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Help install Widevine on Armbian Bookworm / Gnome

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Hi all. I am new to Arm and Linux in general. Got me a Raspberry pi5 several days ago and was going trough different OS systems so i can settle on one final choice. Landed in the Armbian community and tested the Armbian Bookworn / Gnome distro and was amazed how smooth and good looking this is. The only problem i have is the lack of preinstalled Widevine support. I know (and also tested) that Raspberry OS does have DRM playback support trough Widevine. So it works with the latest 64bit Arm Linux Kernel, right ?
So i even went and extracted the Widevine folder form the RpOS system....
Now, several days after i am clueless on how to install Widevine and make the Chcromium browser use it. Went trough a ton of content in the web but am not that advanced to do it myself. ( i have also tested a KDE plasma build that have this functionality already built in, but i really want to use the Armbian platform)

Can someone help me trough the process ?


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