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I'm building an armbian image and want to add some partitions to the result disk. I use the post_create_partitions hook to do that. The documentation doesn't show how to use it, so I looked at the armbian's sources: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/99815c0a8880d4e04fc64742412632e1d41c1334/lib/functions/image/partitioning.sh#L206 Here they create a string and pass it to sfdisk. In my hook I do a similar row to add two partitions:

echo -ne "label:dos\nsize=1G\nsize=1G\n+\n" | sfdisk -a "${SDCARD}".raw --no-reread || exit_with_error "Partition fail."

But building of the image fails with message: No free sectors available. Failed to add #3 partition: No space left on device.

How to add partitions?


Actually I have Orange Pi Zero2, not Zero...

My command line is "./compile.sh BOARD=orangepizero2 BRANCH=current RELEASE=jammy KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=yes ENABLE_EXTENSIONS=prepare_partitions".


I have this in my userpatches/ extensions. It will create 4 partitions, RPICFG (~500mb) , armi_roota(2 /4 g), armi_rootb (2 /4 g), and armbi_data (the rest). I do this so I can use SWupdate to update the root fs as needed. Note: this currently works on a RasPi CM4, so some details may need to change for your board, likely in the boot partition.  I also have code in the "firstBoot.sh that will stretch the data partition to the rest of the storage space. I also modify the root fs size if building for developer, due all the dev tools don't fit in 2g partition. 

# this will change the first root FS lable from "armbi_root" to "armbi_roota
function pre_prepare_partitions__600_fix_rootfs_label() {
   display_alert "fix rootfs label" "${EXTENSION}" "info"

# this adds the 3rd and 4th partitions, as well as hooks in the userpatch partition hook
function prepare_image_size__601_partition (){
   display_alert "Adding partition function" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
   # this will allow the "CREATE_PARTITION_TABLE" function to be called
   declare -g USE_HOOK_FOR_PARTITION=yes
   local rootb_part=3
   local data_part=4

#This sets the partition sizes
function prepare_image_size__600_image_size() {
   display_alert "partition size" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
   local old_RFS=${rootfs_size}
   display_alert "devloper mode is >${DEVELOPER_MODE}<" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
   if [[ "$DEVELOPER_MODE" == "yes" ]]; then
      display_alert "Developer extended rootfs_size is ${old_RFS}Mib, changeing to ${rootfs_size}MiB" "${EXTENSION}" "warning"
      display_alert "Normal rootfs_size is ${old_RFS}Mib, changeing to ${rootfs_size}MiB" "${EXTENSION}" "info"


#this creates the new partition table
function create_partition_table() {

   display_alert "Running partition function" "${EXTENSION}" "info"

   # stage: calculate partition size
   # local bootstart=$(($OFFSET * 2048))
   # local rootstart=$(($bootstart + ($BOOTSIZE * 2048) ))
   # local bootend=$(($rootstart - 1))
   # local rootstart2=$(($rootstart  + ($rootfs_size * 2048) ))
   # local rootend=$(($rootstart2 - 1))
   # local datastart2=$(($rootstart2 + ($rootfs_size * 2048) ))
   # local rootend2=$(($datastart - 1))

   local next=$OFFSET
   # Create a script in a bracket shell, then pipe it to fdisk.
      [[ "$IMAGE_PARTITION_TABLE" == "msdos" ]] && echo "label: dos" || echo "label: $IMAGE_PARTITION_TABLE"

      if [[ -n "$biospart" ]]; then
         # gpt: BIOS boot
         local type="21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649"
         echo "$biospart : name=\"bios\", start=${next}MiB, size=${BIOSSIZE}MiB, type=${type}"
         local next=$(($next + $BIOSSIZE))
      if [[ -n "$uefipart" ]]; then
         # dos: EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
         # gpt: EFI System
         [[ "$IMAGE_PARTITION_TABLE" != "gpt" ]] && local type="ef" || local type="C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
         echo "$uefipart : name=\"efi\", start=${next}MiB, size=${UEFISIZE}MiB, type=${type}"
         local next=$(($next + $UEFISIZE))
      if [[ -n "$bootpart" ]]; then
         # Linux extended boot
         [[ "$IMAGE_PARTITION_TABLE" != "gpt" ]] && local type="ea" || local type="BC13C2FF-59E6-4262-A352-B275FD6F7172"
         if [[ -n "$rootpart" ]]; then
            echo "$bootpart : name=\"bootfs\", start=${next}MiB, size=${BOOTSIZE}MiB, type=${type}"
            local next=$(($next + $BOOTSIZE))
            # no `size` argument mean "as much as possible"
            echo "$bootpart : name=\"bootfs\", start=${next}MiB, type=${type}"

      # create main , and secondary root FS
      [[ "$IMAGE_PARTITION_TABLE" != "gpt" ]] && local type="83" || local type="0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4"
      echo "2 : name=\"rootfs_a\", start=${next}MiB, size=${rootfs_size}MiB, type=${type}"
      local next=$(($next + $rootfs_size))
      echo "3 : name=\"rootfs_b\", start=${next}MiB, size=${rootfs_size}MiB, type=${type}"
      #and finally the data partition
      local next=$(($next + $rootfs_size))
      echo "4 : name=\"data\", start=${next}MiB, type=${type}"

   } | run_host_command_logged sfdisk "${SDCARD}".raw || exit_with_error "Partition fail."

#this formats the 2 new partitons, and sets up the fstab file in the image
function  format_partitions__600_format_partitons() {

   display_alert "${EXTENSION} ${BOARD}" "format_partitions__600_format_partitons" "info"
   if [[ -n $rootpart ]]; then

      local rootdeviceb="${LOOP}p3"
      check_loop_device "${rootdeviceb}"
      display_alert "Creating second rootfs " "$ROOTFS_TYPE on 3"
      run_host_command_logged mkfs.${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${mkopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${mkopts_label[$ROOTFS_TYPE]:+${mkopts_label[$ROOTFS_TYPE]}"armbi_rootb"} "${rootdeviceb}"
      [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == ext4 ]] && run_host_command_logged tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback "${rootdeviceb}"
      if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == btrfs && $BTRFS_COMPRESSION != none ]]; then
         local fscreateopt="-o compress-force=${BTRFS_COMPRESSION}"
      wait_for_disk_sync "after mkfs" # force writes to be really flushed

      # store in readonly global for usage in later hooks
      rootb_part_uuid="$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${LOOP}p3)"
      declare -g -r ROOTB_PART_UUID="${rootb_part_uuid}"

      display_alert "Mounting root b fs" "$rootdevice (UUID=${ROOTB_PART_UUID})"
      mkdir -p "${MOUNT}/rfs_backup"
      run_host_command_logged mount ${fscreateopt} $rootdeviceb $MOUNT/rfs_backup

      # create fstab (and crypttab) entry
      local rootfsb
      if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
         # map the LUKS container partition via its UUID to be the 'cryptroot' device
         echo "$ROOT_MAPPER UUID=${root_part_uuid} none luks" >> $SDCARD/etc/crypttab
         rootfsb=${rootdeviceb} # used in fstab
         rootfsb="UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${rootdeviceb})"
      #ToDo: possibly remove the mount
      echo "$rootfsb /rfs_backup ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 2"
      echo "$rootfsb /rfs_backup ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab

      local datadevice="${LOOP}p4"
      check_loop_device "${datadevice}"
      display_alert "Creating data rootfs " "$ROOTFS_TYPE on 4"
      run_host_command_logged mkfs.${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${mkopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${mkopts_label[$ROOTFS_TYPE]:+${mkopts_label[$ROOTFS_TYPE]}"armbi_data"} "${datadevice}"
      [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == ext4 ]] && run_host_command_logged tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback "${datadevice}"
      if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == btrfs && $BTRFS_COMPRESSION != none ]]; then
         local fscreateopt="-o compress-force=${BTRFS_COMPRESSION}"
      wait_for_disk_sync "after mkfs" # force writes to be really flushed

      display_alert "Mounting datafs" "$datadevice (UUID=${ROOT_PART_UUID})"
      mkdir -p "${MOUNT}/home"
      run_host_command_logged mount ${fscreateopt} $datadevice $MOUNT/home

       # store in readonly global for usage in later hooks
      data_part_uuid="$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${LOOP}p3)"
      declare -g -r DATA_PARTB_UUID="${data_part_uuid}"

      # create fstab (and crypttab) entry
      local datafs
      if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
         # map the LUKS container partition via its UUID to be the 'cryptroot' device
         echo "$ROOT_MAPPER UUID=${ata_part_uuid} none luks" >> $SDCARD/etc/crypttab
         datafs=$datadevice # used in fstab
         datafs="UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value $datadevice)"
      echo "$datafs  /home         ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab

   # stage: create new fstab, with labels and not UUID
   rm -f $SDCARD/etc/fstab
   display_alert "${EXTENSION} ${BOARD}"  "Adding comments to fstab" "info"
   echo "LABEL=armbi_roota /           ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 1" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
   #echo "LABEL=armbi_rootb /rfs_backup ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
   echo "LABEL=armbi_data  /home       ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
   echo "tmpfs             /tmp        tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
   echo "LABEL=RPICFG      ${UEFI_MOUNT_POINT} vfat defaults 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab




@anthony winner thanks a lot for sharing your script. One little thing I don't understand:

echo "$datafs /home ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab

here $datafs will contains something like "/dev/loop19p2", but it should be a real partition name then the device runs.


That came from some cut and paste code, and truth be told did not look at that section too hard. But the code just above it will set  "datafs" as ether a uuid or some other depending if CRYPTROOT_ENABLE (I don't so did not test his path) is enabled. Also notice later I rewrite the fstab file completely to use labels and not uuid's, as in my workflow the UUID's might change as I do FS updates. 

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