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  1. From the Amazon and page, it looks like the lcd panel have a digitizer chip (instead of bare connection to the panel’s analog XY outputs, like others). Can you see the model of that chip U2? definitely needs a second SPI interface in the orange pi, or bitbanging.
  2. Instead of replacing with your kernel deb, try modifying the linux config to have what you want. Sometime ago, I made instructions just for this, but for the orange pi zero https://github.com/robertojguerra/orangepi-zero-full-setup/blob/main/README2.md (warning, these instructions refer to a old kernel version) Look for the part that explains the "Change kernel configuration"
  3. Darriy, thank you I tried it but it didn't work... did you install more packages related to WPA or encryption?
  4. Here's a discussion about how sysfs is deprecated and you should be using gpiod (libgpiod)
  5. Plug in another usb-serial device, see what happens in that case
  6. Probably no dtbo will be needed. Find the 5 pins in your orange pi, that would be contacted by the hat, and try to control them with the Python code here: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/33800-orange-pi-zero-3-gpio/?do=findComment&comment=181191 if that lorahat software is open source, then change that source code to point to the correct pin addresses
  7. Please, can you share your hostapd.conf (minus the ssid and keys of course) I am running into other problems, but I am glad that others are getting hostapd working 👍
  8. After the usb4-1 lines, you should have seen cdc_acm something You can check that you have the acm driver with: zcat /proc/config.gz|grep ACM you should see config_usb_acm=m Have you tried: ls /dev/ttyUSB* ? When you see the ttyACM*, you should get the by-serial files appear automatically (devrules function)
  9. OrangePi has this analog audio figured out: http://www.orangepi.org/orangepiwiki/index.php/Orange_Pi_Zero_2W#Headphone_interface_audio_playback_test http://www.orangepi.org/orangepiwiki/index.php/Orange_Pi_Zero_3#Headphone_jack_playback_audio_test
  10. Go and see the LibreElec project... find the image for Orange Pi PC. That's the OS that works with Orange Pi Zero. I think Cedrus for video codec is for the H2/H3 specifically... I dont know about H616/8. Wiki says that the codec hardware is not available in Linux http://www.orangepi.org/orangepiwiki/index.php/Orange_Pi_Zero_3
  11. Is there something specially difficult about SPI versus I2C? Luckily, my servo controller I plan to use with my opiz3 is I2C, but I was hoping to use an SPI LCD too in the future. Is there an spi-overlay option in armbian-config? https://forum.armbian.com/topic/12571-opi-win-how-to-steering-rgb-led-apa106/
  12. I returned to checking on my opiz3, and saw that there's a kernel update available... with related updated dtb's I will hold off from updating, and test it first in my non-production opiz3
  13. https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-zero-3/ Now it links to an OS image made on February 22. Try the non GUI image, and see if it makes a difference. See if the difference is with 802.11b, g or n Current and older releases: https://github.com/armbian/community/releases/tag/24.5.0-trunk.58 https://github.com/armbian/community/releases
  14. I am using the armbian bookworm for Opiz3 from February 15 with zero problems. Are you using this image?
  15. This is an artificial limitation on the linux uvc driver, which handles webcams Try connecting the 2nd webcam in a port in a different USB root inside your orange pi. Or try following this guide https://www.thegoodpenguin.co.uk/blog/multiple-uvc-cameras-on-linux/
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