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I looks like there are more as one way to setup kodi on orange pipc.

The latest version 17.1 of kodi with hardware exsaleration would be preferable.

I wanted a setup where i could use the on board ir and some Remote i already own. 

Then an usb Keyboard.

And i did not want that kodi starts at system start. 

I also wanted VNC be usable to do a login via VNC to be able to remote control from my Leptop.

I did get Kodi 15.2 working but with drawbacks:

Video is not smooth, not relay nice to view. VNC and IR did work and i could go back to the desktop to start internet browser or something else, all rather slow.

Colors of the HDMI TV look not very normal to much red, if i compare it with the Fire-TV stick on with the newer kodi 17.1 is as well installed.

(Beside this installation of kodi on the firer-TV stick was easy.  Also a bit outdated Gide for installation:  https://www.tweaking4all.com/home-theatre/xbmc/kodi-on-amazon-fire-tv-firestarter/

one needs the 32 bit version not the 64 bit of kodi.  Drawback: It is android and no VNC and no USB Keyboard. Remote is the one that comes with Fire-stick)

If someone want to use only the kodi 17,1 or 18 on orangepi there is a way to do it on a Armbian Server. Unfortunately preset info is in Russion language. And color and speed of Videos is bad as on the other setup https://ua3nbw.ru/all/kodi-17-1-krypton-na-orange-pi-s-opengl-es-2-0/ .

An other approach is to use OPENelec. Kodi version is 15.1  i got it working with Keyboard and IR remote. Worse drawback no VNC possible since there is also no normal desktop root login. Speed of Videos was a little bit better color also bad.  Remote control a bit easier to set up as on Armbin desktop. Uses also Lirc an ir ir_keytable. Kernal Modul for ir (modeprobe sunix-cir) must be loaded first by editing /storage/.config/autostart.sh  lircd.conf is on a different place in /storage/.config/lircd.conf  Lircmap.xml is on the same place as with Armbian installation.

One can find everything in the OPENelec wiki.  How to setup ssh, how to edit autostart.sh and how Remots can be set up. Note:  In the wiki the circumstance that the IR modul must be loaded via Autostart.sh is not mentioned!

Also missing is an explanation how lircd.conf and Lircmap.xml should link to each other. It is also possible to have multiple remotes as well in the Arrmbian or in the OPENelec.

How? Make more as one lircd.conf file for each Remote control you want to use. Rename each file.  Make a new lircd.conf file that contains only the includes for the other files.  

include "./lircd.conf.remotename"   

include "./lircd.conf.remotename2"  

Replace one line i each lircd.conf.remotename:  name /etc/lircd.config (name /storage/.config/lircd.conf  to name remotenamex  the name of your remote. This name must have a representation in the Lircmap.xml

Here may example with thee remote controls LG, SAMSUNG, PHILIPS:







More to the subject lirkd on armbian:


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