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Orange pi zero 3, x11vnc will run but won’t start automatically

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   Managed to get x11 to boot in latest armbian desktop Ubuntu gnome build

x11vnc runs when manually running it fine

but how many tutorials I have followed online it refuses to start as a service (auto)

always gets bad access error when trying to get xauthority I guess ,even when I point it to the .xauthority files with -auth

and used -auth guess 

tried all theses 

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

plus videos on YouTube 

has anyone got vnc to run on orange pi zero 3 Ubuntu noble gnome desktop From here

at start up on x11?



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Check that the environment lines, plus the execstart from the service file, do what you want from “root”, since the service does not specify a user

or specify your user, and try it with your user


see what shows up with “journalctl -u x11vnc” (log)


Here's another x11vnc server istructions: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/X11vnc



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