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Connecting USB to Serial(TTl) (UART) adapter CH340G on Orange Pi Zero with Armbian( Legacy Kernel)

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Hi Geeks!

I am not finding my way out to get console output from Armbian legacy kernel using a USB to Serial adapter, Armbian by default doesn't let me to get the console output on my COM3 port, the cursor remains stuck at blank screen. What extra configuration do I need to do to my Armbian 5.31 orangepi zero with (Linux orangepizero 3.4.113-sun8i #18 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 15 02:16:06 CEST 2017 rmv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux) ? 

I have attached my script.fex(UART config) below..





COM port communication over OTG works fine for me out the gate. Across multiple OPiZero's and dozens of instances.


Have you tried typing into the console output? This got me before. Sometimes boot is finished and you're at a blank terminal depending on when you boot/connect your UART adapter. You just need to press enter or something get a visual response. 


  • What UART adapter are you using?
  • I take it you're using Putty?
  • You're positive that the UART adapter connected properly?
    • RX --> TX and TX --> RX?

I wouldn't ask any of this is they weren't also mistakes I've personally made and learned from.


Do I understand you right? Your CHG340 is connected to your computer, thats were your COM3 comes from, so it might be a Windows machine and you try to connect with this serial to usb adapter to get access to your orange pi zero? Baud Rate is correctly? Should be 115200. You use the 3 pin header to get access? (ground, RX & TX @ 3.3V). 2017-01-19-serial-jumpers-at-pi.jpg


RX -->TX and TX-->RX connected?

My CHG 340 changes sometime COM address on windows machine (don't know why) just to make sure you don't 'ride a dead horse'.. :D 

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