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Need help for Orange Pi Zero OS Installation


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I am new for Orange Pi. I got an Orange Pi Zero board and want to install Q4OS on it. I download the Q4OS image from its official website and load it to the SD card. However, I start the Orange Pi zero with the SD card, it can not display anything. Does anyone know the reason for that and how to resolve it? I really need help for this issue. Thanks a lot.


Edited by zador.blood.stained
Moved from "Development" to "General chit chat" since not Armbian related
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Ummm?... because Q4OS only supports Pinebook, Pine64 and Raspberry Pi as per their downloads page. Unless I'm missing something. Even if I am, that would mean their "ARM port" download is trying to do something similar to Armbian by being compatible with multiple devices. Aside from chromebooks, tablets, etc... I think you'd be hard pressed to find an argument for using Q4OS over Armbian especially for OPiZero. Maybe that's just me though.



So what's your reasoning as to why you opt for Q4OS over Armbian?

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StuxNet, thanks for reply. I want OrangePi for its larger memory. and choose the Q4OS because its simple without redundant software installed.

I need to set up a system with lazarus, ssh, and wifi and 3 serial coms. if Q4OS really cannot work on OrangePi, I think I'll

try Armbian instead.


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Armbian server image is ~1.5GB, since the smallest reliable SD-Cards for SBCs are 8GB. But it confuses me that you bought a SBC without HDMI for gui programs (Lazarus). So, did you buy the OPi Zero or the OPi Zero Plus2? If it is the original OPi Zero this might be a bad decision for your use case: no HDMI and a questionable wifi (XR819). You might think about a OPi One/Lite/Pc/PcPlus (3 UART on Pinheader, without using the seperated debug UART)?

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Heck yea dude. This is honestly the first time I'm hearing/looking into Q4OS so I really shouldn't speak on it. What I can say though is that even if they offered the same support for OPi Zero (which they don't afaik) Armbian would still be the way to go. It's prolly been around longer and at the very least comes with this awesome community and has way more support/foundation. I don't think it's a coincidence that you found yourself here :D That's not to say Q4OS doesn't serve a purpose, I'm sure it does. Just saying you prolly shouldn't buy a pick axe when you need a shovel.


That being said, I honestly think it would be easier and way more efficient use of your time to take the stable version of Armbian, install it. Then systematically uninstall the 'redundant' software you don't want.  Personally, I think it's already pretty dead simple but I know the usefullness of having stripped something down to the core.

I have a buddy that I'm in touch with face to face that knows how to build images for the Opi Zero from the ground up. I'm not familiar with "Lazarus" and this might be coming at the wrong direction for your use case but he might be able to 'buildroot' an image for the OPi Zero from the ground up. That's as simple as it gets. Want me to run it by him for you?


TL;DR: You would save yourself days/months of time just picking up a vanilla Armbian kernel for the OPi Zero and uninstalling stuff or alternatively building your own image from the ground up (using armbian branch) than you would trying to get/use Q4OS on OPiZero. 

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