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Good morning,

I have a NanoPi Neo Core that I want to use to generate a PWM wave. As far as I understand, the pin for this is PA5, which is shared with UART. However, by using the corresponding overlay, the UART would be disabled, and PWM would be enabled. Is that correct?

What would be the next steps to verify that this is correct and to generate the PWM wave? Is there a specific command to do this?

Thanks for your help, and best regards!


Hi MastinZgZ,


You would need to make sure the overlay has a pin control node to set PA5 to PWM function. Given this is most likely used for serial console as it is UART0, you should ideally route console output to another Serial port if available. When set up correctly you should be able to configure PWM output via /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0. Then pin first has to be exported before it can be used and you also have to be in super user mode to configure the behavior.


Hope this helps



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