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Hey all!


I'm wondering if there's a tried and tested method for preparing an armbian  system to be made into an SD card image, including:


* Clearing the right SSH data

* Triggering firstrun to run next time

* Shrinking partition

* Any other suggestiosn


NB : the filesystem for armbian seems to be quite different from raspbian / other. Which makes shrinking the partition from another computer quite confusing (e.g. when mounting a ripped img in ubuntu we just see one full partition across the entire SD card, even if there's lots of free space)





Hi Elliot,

  We have a shrink-image.sh script (https://github.com/ConnectBox/connectbox-tools/blob/master/deployment/shrink-image.sh) when preparing images for our Connectbox project. We prepare the image on a "master" machine, then shutdown and move the microSD to another machine, where we run that script.

It's important to re-enable the `resize2fs` service on the "master" machine before shutting-down, or the root partition won't expand when the images are used. We don't trigger a firstrun (open to suggestions on whether we should!)



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