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Hi guys,


Since I'm out of GPIOs I would like to reuse the Debug UART0 RX/TX in "release" if no serial module is attached.

I'm using a nanopi Duo2 but that question applies to the general strategy.


The NanoPi UART0 RX can be used as PA5, PWM output.


I did already play successfully with overlay files for other purposes so I know a little how that works.


Can I create a overlay with shared usage, and depending on the loaded module (tty*) the RS232 is

operating, or when this is stopped i can use the PWM out? 

Is this "Shared overlay" in general the right approach? If yes could someone point me to some hints

how to craft such a sharing overlay?


Sure I need to figure out in general how to setup PWM but thats a different story i think.




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