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boot/root partition backup with tar ?

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Hi Forum,


can I completely backup and restore Armbian boot/root/data partitions with tar (or something similar) and dates, rights, everything is saved and restored and the system boots?


I've used Clonezilla up to now, to backup the sd-cards  but some say is not needed and runs only on pcs.


I would like to backup the sd-cards of one pi with one other.



I do exactly this with my ARM server rack to backup each server. My crontab (runs on machine to back up) looks something like:


# Backup root file system
00 01 * * 0 tar -cvpzf /backuppath/servname.backup.`date +\%Y\%m\%d_\%H\%M\%S`.tar.gz --one-file-system /. > /backuppath/servname.backup.log 2>&1




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