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Hello All,


    Le Potato aml-s905x-cc 1gb found some useful items for this neat piece of hardware:


ADAFRUIT INDUSTRIES 954 USB-TO-TTL SERIAL CABLE, RASPBERRY PI (1 piece) (excellent cable for console access)


comes with 4 wires (Black - GND, White - TX, Green - RX, Red - Power), using the power adapter, leave the red connector off


Use a terminal program (PuTTY, etc) and set the baud at 115,200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, and no parity, no flow control


Need good wireless adapter which works:


MK electronics 150 Mbps USB Wi-Fi Adapter Network Wlan Adapter Stick Windows Mac Linux Desktop PC Notebooks 150 MBit - Ralink 5370 chipset


This works fine when plugged into the USB of the Le Potato, and you can use 'nmtui' to configure the adapter, and make sure that 'automatically connect' and 'enable for all users' are selected.  I also turned off IPv6 configuration for 'wlan0'.   Also, for the IP addressing, make sure you use the form <IP ADDR/Netmask in CIDR>, i.e. (which will set the netmask at


Hope this information helps someone getting their Le Potato up and running...


Anyone else find items which work well with Le Potato, post replies here so that everyone can benefit :)


For TTY/USB connect using Adafruit I use ckermit with ".kermitrc"


set line /dev/ttyUSB0
set flow-control none
set carrier-watch off
set speed 115200





  >> sudo ckermit

works great!


Also, the KuGi case from Amazon works fine (my RasPi case did not leave room for the larger heat sink, but KuGi does).





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