小板橋 文夫 Posted May 6, 2018 Posted May 6, 2018 Things downloaded last week, When switching to alternative kernel is executed in Armbian Config, the screen set to 1280 x 1024 has been changed to 1280 x 720 and it was not able to be rewritten, so do not run the Switch to Alternative kernel and keep the 1280 x 1024 screen It is GQRX-SDR, since error-6 (even if blacklist maintenance is done) comes out, As a workaround, I ran Switch to the alternative kernel and avoided error-6. (I give up on screen 1280 x 720) But today, when downloading and installing the same software, the screen shows 1280 x 1024 It was able to be maintained. Sorry to make software, it is truly a hard work. But the object of today (2018/05/06), even if you run Switch to Alternative Kernel, In GQRX-SDR, error-6 appears, (Obviously blacklist.conf has been maintained) From today, sdr-Radio can no longer be used. It seems that it depends on the part of it, the kernel's performance, so please correct it.
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