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Hi there, I'm trying to made a dts file to handle a pican2 hat on ROCK64 armbian, but now I'm stuck. I'm a noob in writing dts files, I've tried to take as exemple dts from RPI and Thinker.

edit: I've rebuild the kernel, and build the mcp251x.ko module, it load like a charm. But I assume I've to write a correct .dts file to link it to my devices tree.


here is my loaded modules list:


Module                  Size  Used by
can_bcm                24576  0
can_raw                20480  0
can                    53248  2 can_bcm,can_raw
mali                  262144  0
rt2800usb              28672  0
rt2800lib              81920  1 rt2800usb
rt2x00usb              20480  1 rt2800usb
rt2x00lib              49152  3 rt2x00usb,rt2800lib,rt2800usb
zram                   32768  5
lz4_compress           16384  1 zram
mcp251x                20480  0
dw_hdmi_i2s_audio      16384  0
can_dev                20480  1 mcp251x
binfmt_misc            20480  1
ip_tables              24576  0
x_tables               32768  1 ip_tables
autofs4                40960  2
uas                    20480  0
usb_storage            61440  1 uas
Cannot find device "can0"
eth0  lo  wlx00c141390c5a

And as you can see, there is no can0 devices in /sys/class/net.


here is my dts file:



/ {
    compatible = "rockchip,rk3328", "pine64,rock64";
    fragment@0 {
        target-path = "/spi@ff190000";
                //target = <&spi0>;
        __overlay__ {
                            status = "disabled";
                                status = "disabled";
 /* the interrupt pin of the can-controller */
    fragment@1 {
          target-path = "/pinctrl/gpio3@ff240000";
          //target = <&gpio3>;
          __overlay__ {
              can0_pins: can0_pins {
                  rockchip,pins = <0 7 0 &pcfg_pull_none>;
          //phandle = <1>;

/* the clock/oscillator of the can-controller */
    fragment@2 {
        target-path = "/";
        __overlay__ {
            /* external oscillator of mcp2515 on SPI0.0 */
            can0_osc: can0_osc {
                compatible = "fixed-clock";
                #clock-cells = <0>;
                clock-frequency  = <16000000>;

/* the spi config of the can-controller itself binding everything together */
    fragment@3 {
        target-path = "/spi@ff190000";
        //target = <&spi0>;
        __overlay__ {
            /* needed to avoid dtc warning */
           #address-cells = <1>;
            #size-cells = <0>;
            can0: can0@0 {
        //phandle = <1>;
                reg = <0>;
                compatible = "microchip,mcp2515";
                pinctrl-names = "default";
                pinctrl-0 = <&can0_pins>;
        //pinctrl-0 = "/pinctrl/gpio3@ff240000/can0_pins/";
                spi-max-frequency = <10000000>;
                interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
                //interrupt-parent = "/pinctrl/gpio3@ff240000";
                interrupts = <7 0x2>; // 7 2
                //clocks = "/can0_osc";
                clocks = <&can0_osc>;


here is what I can read from dmesg:

pi@rock64:/boot/overlay-user$ dmesg | fgrep -i spi
[    0.199580] bus: 'spi': registered
[    0.199591] device class 'spi_master': registering
[    0.215439] device: 'ff190000.spi': device_add
[    0.215471] bus: 'platform': add device ff190000.spi
[    0.215560] PM: Adding info for platform:ff190000.spi
[    2.069101] bus: 'spi': add driver cros-ec-spi
[    2.069297] device class 'spi_transport': registering
[    2.069329] device class 'spi_host': registering
[    2.070797] bus: 'spi': add driver m25p80
[    2.070861] device class 'spidev': registering
[    2.070890] bus: 'spi': add driver spidev
[    2.070956] bus: 'platform': add driver rockchip-spi
[    2.071145] bus: 'platform': driver_probe_device: matched device ff190000.spi with driver rockchip-spi
[    2.071162] bus: 'platform': really_probe: probing driver rockchip-spi with device ff190000.spi
[    2.071495] rockchip-spi ff190000.spi: no init pinctrl state
[    2.071552] rockchip-spi ff190000.spi: no sleep pinctrl state
[    2.071566] rockchip-spi ff190000.spi: no idle pinctrl state
[    2.071795] rockchip-spi ff190000.spi: no high_speed pinctrl state
[    2.071820] device: 'spi32766': device_add
[    2.072075] PM: Adding info for No Bus:spi32766
[    2.072326] device: 'spi32766.0': device_add
[    2.072362] bus: 'spi': add device spi32766.0
[    2.072582] PM: Adding info for spi:spi32766.0
[    2.072661] rockchip-spi ff190000.spi: chipselect 0 already in use
[    2.072675] spi_master spi32766: spi_device register error /spi@ff190000/flash@0
[    2.072692] spi_master spi32766: Failed to create SPI device for /spi@ff190000/flash@0
[    2.072709] driver: 'rockchip-spi': driver_bound: bound to device 'ff190000.spi'
[    2.072758] bus: 'platform': really_probe: bound device ff190000.spi to driver rockchip-spi
[    8.643523] bus: 'spi': add driver mcp251x
[    8.643560] bus: 'spi': driver_probe_device: matched device spi32766.0 with driver mcp251x
[    8.643570] bus: 'spi': really_probe: probing driver mcp251x with device spi32766.0
[    8.643678] mcp251x spi32766.0: no pinctrl handle
[    8.646051] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up vdd-supply from device tree
[    8.646071] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up vdd-supply property in node /spi@ff190000/can0@0 failed
[    8.648100] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up xceiver-supply from device tree
[    8.648120] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up xceiver-supply property in node /spi@ff190000/can0@0 failed
[    8.661924] mcp251x: probe of spi32766.0 rejects match -19

 help me plz.


11 minutes ago, Hydrocactus said:

[ 8.646051] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up vdd-supply from device tree 
[ 8.646071] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up vdd-supply property in node /spi@ff190000/can0@0 failed 
[ 8.648100] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up xceiver-supply from device tree 
[ 8.648120] mcp251x spi32766.0: Looking up xceiver-supply property in node /spi@ff190000/can0@0 failed [ 8.661924] mcp251x: probe of spi32766.0 rejects match -19



I assume you need at least an mpc251x driver (as module). Seems not to be here for rock64.


opi@Buildmachine:~/build/config/kernel$ grep "MCP251X" *.config
linux-cubox-dev.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
linux-cubox-next.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
linux-meson64-default.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
linux-odroidc2-default.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
linux-sun7i-default.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
linux-udoo-default.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
linux-udoo-neo-default.config:# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set


Go through this one to see how you can change that. :) 


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