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Wrong ip adress to wrong interface on Cubietruck and Banana Pi


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Hi guys,


I just started using the new Armbian release on my cubietruck and Banana Pi boards and encountered the following problem.

On the Cubieboard the wired interface first did not receive any IP address at all.

I than tried as alternative to connect the wireless interface through the armbian-config tool. Which did work fine.

However the wired interface is now receiving  the same IP address like the wireless one.

Currently  the only way to resolve this issue is by going again through armbian config tool.


I am also experiencing the symptoms on my banana pi board except that it does not have any wireless interface.

Which therefore means that I need to access the main console via USB keyboard and use the armbian-config tool.


Can you guys please help me to permanently resolve this issue?

Thank you, blub4747


lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic


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had the same problem here with bananapi. The LAN interface got no IPV4 Address, only IPV6 (over DHCP). I have removed networkmanager and assigned a static IPv4 Address in my router for the BPi board. That solved my problem. This is only a workaround, not a solution. I think the problem should be reproducible with the current Armbian distro.


Edited by StevePi
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Hello, equally to StevePi in another thread,

my Banana Pi does not get an IPv4 from LAN port DHCP.


Armbian Version is 5.59 + apt full-upgrade.

If I use nmcli to manually set the IPv4 to DHCP, it works until reboot.


Anybody experienced similar behaviour?

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