Armbian 24.02 Kereru Release planning

Event created by Igor
Event details
Is this list still valid?
"Banana Pi CM4IO"
"Banana Pi M2Pro"
"Banana Pi M2S"
"Banana Pi M5"
"BigTreeTech CB1"
"JetHub D1"
"JetHub H1"
"Khadas Edge2"
"Khadas VIM1"
"Khadas VIM1S" # don't confuse with VIM1 (S905X)
"Khadas VIM2"
"Khadas VIM3"
"Khadas VIM3L"
"Khadas VIM4"
"La Frite"
"Le potato"
"NanoPi Duo2"
"NanoPi Duo"
"NanoPi R4S"
"NanoPi R6S"
"Odroid C2"
"Odroid M1"
"Odroid N2"
"Odroid XU4"
"OLIMEX Teres A64"
"Orange Pi 4 LTS"
"Orange Pi 5"
"Orange Pi 5 Plus"
"Orange Pi One"
"Orange Pi Prime"
"Orange Pi R1"
"Orange Pi R1 Plus LTS"
"Orange Pi Zero2"
"Orange Pi Zero"
"Orange Pi Zero Plus"
"Pinebook Pro"
"Radxa Zero"
"Rock 3A"
"Rock 5B"
"Rockpi 4A"
"Rockpi E"
"Rockpi S"
"RockPro 64"
"Raspberry Pi 4"
"Raspberry Pi 5"
"Tinker Board"
"UEFI arm64"
"UEFI x86"
"Xiaomi Elish"
"FxBlox RK1"
"Mekotronics R58 MiniPC"
"Mekotronics R58X-4G"
"Mekotronics R58X"
"Mixtile Blade 3"
"NanoPC T6"
"NanoPi R5S"
"Orange Pi Zero3"
"Radxa E25"
"Radxa Zero 2"
"Rock 5A"
"ThinkPad X13s"
"Windows Dev Kit 2023"
Community supported where we could also look for re-enabling supported status.
"ArmSoM Sige7"
"ArmSoM W3"
"Banana Pi"
"Banana Pi M1+"
"Banana Pi M2+"
"Banana Pi M2 Ultra"
"Banana Pi M2 Zero"
"Banana Pi M3"
"Banana Pi M64"
"Banana Pi Pro"
"Banana Pi R2"
"Banana Pi R2 Pro"
"Clearfog Base"
"Clearfog Pro"
"Clockworkpi A06"
"Cubieboard 2"
"Cubieboard 4"
"Cubieboard 1"
"Cubox i2eX/i4"
"Firefly RK3399"
"HiKey 960"
"HinLink H28k"
"Hinlink H88K"
"HinLink HT2"
"Indiedroid Nova"
"Inovato Quadra"
"Jetson Nano"
"Khadas Edge"
"LicheePi 4A"
"A20 OLinuXino Lime 2"
"A33 OLinuXino"
"A64 OLinuXino"
"A20 OLinuXino Lime"
"Macchiatobin DS"
"Mangopi M28K"
"Mekotronics R58X-Pro"
"Mele A1000"
"A20 OLinuXino Micro"
"NanoPC T4"
"NanoPi A64"
"NanoPi Air"
"NanoPi K1 Plus"
"NanoPi K2"
"NanoPi M4"
"NanoPi M4V2"
"NanoPi Neo 2 Black"
"NanoPi Neo 2"
"NanoPi Neo 3"
"NanoPi Neo 4"
"NanoPi Neo Core 2"
"NanoPi Neo"
"NanoPi Neo Plus 2"
"NanoPi R1"
"NanoPi R1S H5"
"Nanopi R2C"
"Nanopi R2S"
"NanoPi R4SE"
"NanoPi R5C"
"Odroid C4"
"Odroid HC4"
"Odroid N2L"
"Olimex A13 SOM"
"Orange Pi 2"
"Orange Pi 3"
"Orange Pi 3 LTS"
"Orange Pi 4"
"Orange Pi Lite 2"
"Orange Pi Lite"
"Orange Pi One+"
"Orange Pi PC2"
"Orange Pi PC"
"Orange Pi PC +"
"Orange Pi+ 2E"
"Orange Pi+"
"Orange Pi R1 Plus"
"Orange Pi RK3399"
"Orange Pi Win"
"Orange Pi Zero Plus 2"
"Orange Pi Zero Plus 2"
"pcDuino 3"
"SoPine A64"
"Pinebook A64"
"Pine Cube"
"Pine H64 model B"
"Pine H64"
"Pine Quartz64 A"
"Pine Quartz64 B"
"Iagent Recore"
"Rock 4SE"
"Radxa CM5"
"Rock 64"
"Rockpi 4B"
"Rockpi 4B+"
"Rockpi 4C"
"Rockpi 4C+"
"Rockpi N10"
"Renegade Elite"
"Station M1"
"Station M2"
"Station M3"
"Station P1"
"Station P2"
"Tinker Board 2"
"Tinker Edge R"
"UEFI riscv64"
"WSL2 arm64"
"WSL2 x86"
"Beelink X2"
"RK3318 Box"
"Sunvell R69"
"Tanix TX6"
"XT Q8L V10"
"Z28 PRO"
Criteria for Supported
- must be beneficial to the Armbian project
- Armbian team must confirm and agree upon all supported boards statuses
- a named individual as “maintainer” with GitHub ID must be preset in the BOARD_MAINTAINER within Board Configuration File
- a named individual must commit to providing “best effort” support for their SBC on the Armbian forums
- maintainer must participate in the Release Process
- maintainer must sign-off that device has been tested, is stable, and ready for release during release process
- maintainer must have physical access to the SBC they are supporting
- maintainer can operate under pseudonym but must reveal his identity to Armbian management
- maintainer should attend developers meetings held every Wednesday 7:00 PM CET
- when whole support burden is carried by maintainer and Armbian team, it will be labelled as “Pro bono”
More here: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Board-Support-Rules/#criteria-for-supported
Example of maintainer proposal:
- add or remove board X from supported. Reason: its broken and I don't have time / I confirm it works, will monitor and collaborate ...
- upgrade board X from WIP to supported. It works decently / well, I steal dealing with it, there is upstream support ... or remove as there is no progress, too many issues
- board X from community section should become supported because ...