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  1. Igor's post in Warning: a reboot is needed to finish resizing the filesystem was marked as the answer   
    Its a Trixie related bug (or some intentional splitting of package dependencies). Fixed: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/7894
  2. Igor's post in Armbian update && upgrade -y for users located in RU site was marked as the answer   
    # Europe/Moscow - 2000 Mbit/s - server: stpete-mirror.armbian.com/beta/ rules: - field: location.country.iso_code not_in: - UA latitude: 59.9417 longitude: 30.3096 weight: 10  
    # Europe/Kiev - 1000 Mbit/s - server: fastmirror.pp.ua/armbian/ rules: - field: location.country.iso_code not_in: - RU latitude: 50.458 longitude: 30.5303 weight: 10  
    After this change, our redirector blocks access to Russian mirrors for users in Ukraine and vice versa. Hopefully, this feature will become obsolete soon.
  3. Igor's post in Is an upgrade of armbian-config/section software possible (without full re-install) ? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, of course. Running apt update + apt upgrade should update armbian-config to the latest. If you want to keep installed software updated, see options in "Updates". You can enable automatic updating of container images.

    If you are somehow missing sources lists, manual way:
  4. Igor's post in wrong armbian firmware checksum during upgrade was marked as the answer   
    Yes. This file fall into incoming by mistake, two weeks too soon. Since its harmless, it will stay.
  5. Igor's post in Switching from rolling to stable release removed the kernel, making system unbootable was marked as the answer   
    This https://github.com/armbian/configng/pull/424/files should fix it. Update will be avail in couple of minutes after the merge.

    Thank you!
    apt update & upgrade will update armbian-config where this works as expected.
    Until next bug found ... 
  6. Igor's post in OrangePi Plus 2 - Which images will work was marked as the answer   
    This is a reminder that for production quality someone needs to constantly invest time. We build community images for amateur usage and to match other projects support levels. We also keep archives of almost all older builds: https://archive.armbian.com/orangepi2/archive which could serve as a cheap workaround.
    We do that for many boards, but there are simply too many of them. Producing them is dirt cheap ... maintaining extremely expensive. There is also lack of cooperation from 3rd party projects and vendor in question. Support goes in reverse order, they actually harm us all the time, consume our work, contribute nothing. Orangepi also only invests in sales and does not support open source developers / projects. For our group I can tell you 1st hand, but I have solid information that others are also unlucky.
    We are happy to help.
    https://www.armbian.com/contact/ -> Quick start
    Not sure what is current support status. It could be very broken with weeks to invest or not so much. Last time I had those boards (2e to be precise) in the automating testing, they were not very stable. Reboot sometimes didn't bring them back, crashing on load ... 
  7. Igor's post in Do we have armbian for Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC HDK 8550/SM8550/sm8x50 was marked as the answer   

    This might help you: https://github.com/amazingfate/armbian-xiaomi-elish/wiki/Flashing-Guide
  8. Igor's post in Boot stays on SD card after installing and moving boot to SSD was marked as the answer   
    Reading the A20 SoC documentation?
    That is not possible on this hardware as boot from NAND is not supported on modern U-boot / Linux.
  9. Igor's post in LonganPi 3H page w/o ISOs ? was marked as the answer   
    They are back, but no warranty that images works as someone from community added them to the build system. Which are making them automatically ... and automation needs costly and constant maintenance for which we have very limited resources.
  10. Igor's post in Rolling updates: nearly daily 9 "base" packages was marked as the answer   
    Yes. Rolling updates gets updates all the time. Here:
    you can see when beta repository is updated. If nothing breaks, every day, sometimes more then once per day, when the code changes. We can not distinguish if fixes are for certain board as they (32b Allwinner in this case) share kernel.

    tl;dr; There is nothing to worry about. You can also disable https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Armbian-Config/System/#disable-armbian-kernel-upgrades this and only keep upgrading user-space packages or switch to stable repository https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Armbian-Config/System/#switch-system-to-stable-packages-repository Sadly I can't tell you if this will make any change to this particular hardware, but you won't be bothered for upgrade until next point release. We keep those boards on rolling because we have no resources / funding to tag them officially stable.
  11. Igor's post in HDMI output for NanoPC T4 is broken since Linux Kernel 6.x was marked as the answer   
    Those are community supported images - they work or not. Nobody will debug them but you. Just type:

    and switch to alternative kernels which might work better - easy.
    I accidentally bump into this by scanning copycat projects.
    Without supplying logs, nobody will answer. This is open source project that invest into R/D. Time is not at our side. There are too many problems in open source, so you need to fight for attention  ... and community supported is down to community, make friends first, ask questions next. Team is not covering those.

    I don't know if you noticed, but he only does lots of chatting and not resolving common problems.
    https://docs.armbian.com/#comparison FYI (downstream = dietpi)
    We (developers) know that very well, its quite a norm. Pure luck keep those boards functional - "Armbian community support" counts only on that. Mainline support means little in this regard. Without constant maintenance, things will certainly break apart. This is law in this world. In most cases (supported branches) we fix this before anyone notices. For not maintained, as in this case, - we don't know and don't want to know. I mean, perhaps you got lucky and someone will respond.

    I think it is better asking CHATGPT.
    ... which is our work. We suffered and lost months, while he is selling this under his brand while he never helped in any way. Contrary. 

    It is hard to describe how muck work was needed to get this working: (sales person you have been talking too, never worked with / for us)
    Here you can make a donation:
    And here 
    you can step up as a maintainer. I would not ask you this, if we would have other options. Then you can sort out and provide people images that works.
  12. Igor's post in xorg.conf.d drop-in needed for Sweet Potato Xorg to start up was marked as the answer   
  13. Igor's post in Armbian 24.11.1 Noble KDE Neon doesnt boot with nvme was marked as the answer   
    Try from here https://rsync.armbian.com/incoming/efectn/orangepi5/archive/
  14. Igor's post in Contribution Question - MKS IPS50 HDMI, ST7796 LCD, MKSPI/SKIPR Boards was marked as the answer   
    Nice to see that you managed to put our build framework into good use!  
    Build configuration can be .conf, if you plan to keep it maintained here, else it can be .csc (community configuration). ! tl;dr; version of support policy can be found here  https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Board-Support-Rules/ 

    Code wise, not an issue, all of it, until it met common coding standards (quick check = it does) and that it doesn't break anything else (which I also believe it won't). Remaining problem is the instructions part ... We currently don't have any, not right, not wrong place in the documentation to keep that kind of things well organised. A comment with URL in board config file can do for now.

    Most of contributions to Armbian are done in similar way. 
  15. Igor's post in armbian-config updating daily was marked as the answer   
    Its a feature  We decide to leave this utility on development branch (there is separate armbian-config.list in the source folder) for awhile to speed up with the integration. There is a lot of automation that is helping preventing shipping broken app. And the app itself is very simple compared to everything else.
  16. Igor's post in OPi Zero + H5 unable to update/upgrade from Bulleye Sunxi 64 Kernel 6.1.92 to 6.6.nn was marked as the answer   
    No, it doesn't. This needs to be done beyond.
    sudo apt purge linux-image-legacy-sunxi64 linux-dtb-legacy-sunxi64  
  17. Igor's post in Where does the system default to creating swap exchange partitions?? was marked as the answer   
    They are not needed. We use flash media friendly and more advanced ZSWAP solution by default.
    If you don't want to have this, you can of course disable this feature in /etc/defaults/ (will be soon added to armbian-config) and add swap file. But that is not recommended. 
  18. Igor's post in Banana Pi M1 no video output with current armbian images was marked as the answer   
    We keep several oldies in the automated testing facility and Cubietruck is almost identical to Bananapi M1 and it works perfectly well:
    I would put my bet on wrong / not sufficient powering. Which is still there and those (old) topics are still valid.
    Old boards are fine! I have several boxes of them and might sent them to a museum one day  We are just too small team / project to face with several hundred different devices. Old boards should, in theory, works well, but silent (as nobody monitor / maintain them) regressions comes to the code.
    I hope someday dedicated retro hardware section emerges on Armbian forums and further prolong life of those devices. We did / do what we can ... 
  19. Igor's post in Odroid M1, Network Adapter Performance, in jammy was marked as the answer   
    Made a PR https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/7245
  20. Igor's post in ethernet issues in IOT distro was marked as the answer   
    Yes, most likely broken / incomplete driver. Desktop runs Network Manager and CLI / minimal systemd-networkd. If driver is not in a good state, this is how it could manifest. Possible workaround = build CLI server image which contain Network Manager. No warranty that it will work ...
    Topic was moved from https://forum.armbian.com/forum/25-beginners/ as Armbian don't work with this vendor / hardware so its on you (& community) to resolve the problem. Or not. When you find out what is the problem, you are welcome to share it with everyone.
  21. Igor's post in How to modify orange pi pc plus wifi intensity was marked as the answer   
    This cheap (WiFi) hardware was pushed to the market in unfinished state and since ever, with negative budget this is the only way, kept at basic operational state:
    "does it connect?" "yes it does", "does it work satisfactory? "yes it does".  "does AP works" "perhaps" as this was already difficult and expensive for time, but enough for all home users. Drivers are by Armbian only kept maintained to meet kernel API changes, while real driver maintenance was abandoned by everyone years ago. It is unlikely that what you are looking for will ever be fixed. But sources are open, perhaps. You only need to find and fix this problem or compensate someone weeks or months to get this feature fixed ... if you have a biz case / budget to support this. Without our maintenance work, you would not have this question in first place as WiFi support would be gone. I don't think you will find anyone that will do this instead of you for a feature almost nobody needs. Good luck.
    My 2c.
  22. Igor's post in Consistent SSH host key setup when cloud-init / armbian-firstrun are both executed was marked as the answer   
    Perhaps extending this service?
    At build time, this is cp to the image and enabled:

    All those files you can edit, compile image and try. I hope this helps in some way.
  23. Igor's post in Errors while trying to run 'sudo apt upgrade' was marked as the answer   
    Try to remove armbian-bsp-cli-orangepi5 first or both bsp packages at once.
  24. Igor's post in WiFi adapter/DKMS on 6.10.6-current-rockchip-rk3588 was marked as the answer   
    Releasing packages on repo was purposefully delayed for a good week in order to keep with another expectation you have - that release software is well tested  What we help here is to lower % of breaking your old installations by delaying with releasing packages so images gives additional round of test resoults. Testing of one release exceeds budgets for hundreds  if not thousands of times. If you don't help with testing, its impossible to test. And you don't / very little. There is nothing we can do and only everyone of you can improve this. If you want better service, step up, help us maintain some small part, perhaps automation for repository management? Which is related to your problem. More people, better organisation, faster and better will be updates ... or at least not worse.
    Once this is finished with success, packages will be uploaded to the repo:

    Then few cycles of repository synchronisation:
    Followed by re-director update, which serves, in theory, only mirrors that are up to date:
    Someone needs to help maintaining this mechanism. 

    If you expect drivers going up with the kernel, then you need to help here:
  25. Igor's post in Odroid C2: No USB after upgrading armbian was marked as the answer   
    Its known issue. We don't have a fix yet.
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