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Posts posted by hello_world.c

  1. I am going through the following when trying to install tvheadend:








    Then I see briefly (< 1 second)...



    followed by, for another < 1 second:



    and then it quickly returns to:




    I can repeat this over and over but the software doesn't get installed. df shows only 6% used in /. Any ideas? What can I do to find out why this happens? Is there a command line option to trigger this process manually where I can observe what it does?


    Many thanks,




  2. Just installed Armbian_21.05.1_Orangepipc2_buster_current_5.10.34 plus kernel headers and am now trying to build some kernel modules for it on the device itself, but the build script is complaining:


    File not found: /lib/modules/5.10.34-sunxi64/build/.config at ./scripts/make_kconfig.pl line 33, <IN> line 4.


    Is there any place where I can find this file for the stock kernel? Or a procedure for generating it myself?

    Many thanks.

  3. Quote

    Did you try to install tvheadend from armbian-config before going random internet hint way?



    Didn't know this is possible from armbian-config. Will try this, good info, thanks!


    Where it clearly said: "its for Ubuntu". You are using Buster.


    Just googled this a bit. So,, Armbian Buster is the one based on Debian and Focal is based on Ubuntu it seems. This is some key information. It must be clear as day to the pros working with Armbian every day, but for the "simple user", not necessarily. Makes sense now.


    So, switching to Focal and trying the ppa method will be my 2nd option if armbian-config doesn't do it. Will report back.

  4. After spending hours trying to hunt down repositories for this I found this post: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8328-install-compile-tvheadend/

    Following it I can add the repository and update ok, but the package tvheadend is not found:


    root@orangepizero:~# apt update
    Hit:1 http://security.debian.org buster/updates InRelease
    Hit:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/mamarley/tvheadend-git-stable/ubuntu hirsute InRelease
    Hit:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian buster InRelease
    Hit:4 http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-updates InRelease
    Hit:5 http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports InRelease
    Get:6 https://armbian.tnahosting.net/apt buster InRelease [18.3 kB]
    Fetched 18.3 kB in 5s (3,675 B/s)
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    All packages are up to date.
    root@orangepizero:~# apt install tvheadend
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    E: Unable to locate package tvheadend


    Is buster not supported in this repository? How can I find out which version of Armbian is?

  5. My PuTTY font is Courier New which is monospace. I don't have Cuisine, but tried Consolas, same result.


    With your exact settings, mc looks fine, but armbian-config does not:




    No ncurses program (bmon, aptitude) shows ncurses line drawing characters when I choose UTF in PuTTY. Aptitude menu apparently is not ncurses and works like mc does:


    but the dialogs seem to be ncurses so doesn't work:



    With ISO translation in PuTTY, it's the opposite: mc is not showing line drawing:



    but armbian-config (kind of) works, well, without background completely filled:



    In aptitude, as expected, dialogs work:


    but menu doesn't:



    This is sooo messy... :-(


  6. OPiPC2, with Armbian Bionic
    desktop mainline based kernel 4.19.y


    Using it as headless server, all X and desktop stuff removed. Using PuTTY to log in via SSH, line drawing stuff (as usual) only works if translation is set to ISO-8859-1 in PuTTY.


    mc looks great, but all ncurses-based software (aptitude, htop, bmon etc) does not. Main problem seems that horizontal spacing is "shrunk" whenever there is no text to keep it:




    This is even more dramatic for menu systems and anything that is column-oriented. Tried dpkg-reconfigure locales to switch system to ISO-8859, but no change, really seems to be an ncurses bug. No such problems with other systems (Raspbian etc.).


    Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround?



  7. This is also my procedure that I have to go through every time there is a kernel upgrade. Really wish that either

    • armbian-config would point out the fact that setting "host mode" here may or may not be effective, and the dtc trickery is necessary for OTG ports

    or (better)

    • armbian-config would offer to do the patching of the dtb when the OTG port is changed to "host mode"

    or (best)

    • there was a way for custom dtb settings to automatically "survive" a kernel upgrade


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