Additionally the cmd gpioRead stops working after ISR setup
printf (" main1 - %d\n", digitalRead (2));
wiringPiISR (2, INT_EDGE_BOTH, myInterrupt1) ;
printf (" main2 %d\n", digitalRead (2));
root@MansaConsMon:/home/lapamo15/GPIO/wiringOP# ./ottobre2023
main1 - 1
main2 - 0
Waiting ...
And 'gpioRead' output will not change even if the INPUT toggles between 3.3 and 0V
Note: the interrupt function detects correctly the input changes, but the 'digitalRead' output is always LOW
Interrupt function triggered by the rising edge.
Signal level at input '2' is 3.3V (measured by a tester) and the command 'gpio read 2' output is '0' (which should be '1').
It seems there is a conflict between 'wiringPiISR' and 'digitalRead'.