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  1. Still working on this. Trying to go through steps to see if I missed anything. Found that although I thought I was in Wayland, it wasn't. I logged out and tried Kodi in Wayland session fullscreen. FYI, I'm still using Armbian Ubuntu Jammy. So Kodi starts up into the GUI and the DRM option showed up and I set it to Direct to Plane in the settings. When I play any video, it's a black screen/no video. Audio is playing. When I bring up the OSD, it does say it's using HW to play. I remembered reading about these issues previously. I couldn't find the posts or any solutions. Does anyone know any solutions? I saw a new build is up. I'll try with that and with 6.13 kernel when it's out. I'll keep trying.
  2. I still can't get Hardware decoding to work. I'm going to start over when kernel 6.13 is out. In the meantime, I noticed another message. For some reason, I tried to start Kodi Flatpak from the command line and got this message: root@orangepi5-181:~# flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi 'this->recurse > 0' failed at ../src/pipewire/thread-loop.c:62 do_unlock() libva info: VA-API version 1.22.0 libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/dri/rknpu_drv_video.so libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/dri/intel-vaapi-driver/rknpu_drv_video.so libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/GL/lib/dri/rknpu_drv_video.so libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1 I don't think this is relevant as the file is rknpu... Don't know. Should this file be there? Does this message show up for anyone else.
  3. Is anyone using the current Kodi Flatpak, Omega? I'm having issues viewing videos that have pixel format of yuv420p10le with the current apt repository Kodi Nexus. I thought to try Kodi Flatpak and it worked and I was able to view those yuv420p10le videos without issue. However, it was choppy and had high CPU usage...around 80% on many of the CPUs. I'm trying to figure that out. It's happening on all types of videos. All is played using software decoding. I've never gotten hardware decoding working. In the Kodi Nexus version I'm using it also software decoding but very low CPU usage. In any case, just want to see what experiences others are having.
  4. I just tried this image a few days ago: Armbian_24.11.2_Orangepi5_noble_vendor_6.1.75_gnome-kisak_desktop.img It seemed to be working fine. I think it did take a while showing video on the monitor/TV I was using. I was asked about WiFi, locales, etc and then after apt update and apt upgrade still working fine. A short while later, maybe a few days, tried the new NVME drive I had purchased. It showed up in lsblk and then went about move image and updating MTD. Went fine and booted up fine. I'm able to either boot from SD card or remove it and boot from NVME. I was using an older Jammy image and I noticed with the new Noble image it booted much faster. One interesting thing I noted is that if the screensaver is activated and the screen blanks out, it becomes unresponsive. Pressed keys, mouse buttons but the screen didn't reactivate. Went to reboot, saw that only the red LED was on and no flashing green LED. I pressed button to reboot and then the screen woke up, back to where I left off. I thought that was odd and not typical. If I press a key before it goes into this mode, the screen does wake up. Don't know how else to explain it. Anyway, the screen works fine through HDMI and the NVME works fine too. Armbian-install worked fine to move and boot from NVME as well.
  5. I just installed an NVME and transferred image using armbian-install and all is working/detected fine. I purchased this: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BVQXGS3D I was using image the default from the download page: Armbian_24.11.2_Orangepi5_noble_vendor_6.1.75_gnome-kisak_desktop.img.xz I've found with several threads about NVME issues that the one being tried can be the cause of the issue. Don't know why. Which NVME are you using?
  6. Good news, I guess. I tried the verbosity=7 to see if extra info would be useful. No extra info. However, on multiple "loops", sometimes it was going past the "starting kernel" line. I have several OPi 5s so I tried the power supply from another one and it successfully booted!!! Yay! I was thinking it had to be some hardware issue. This, the PSU, is much better than the board being bad. I bought the power supply on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0BMGJNSVS So, I'll try to get warranty and otherwise buy another. Thanks for your comments, help and interest.
  7. Was using my Orange Pi 5 and it rebooted on it's own. After that, it continually reboots. Been running fine for months. Tried restarting a few times. Tried swapping SD cards. It looks like the power supply is OK, although I'll try swapping with another. I had just backed up the SD Card too. I'll try re-imaging an SD card, but I'm thinking the SD card may not be the issue. I hooked up my UART and captured output. At the end of each loop, it looks like it's saying "Starting Kernel" and then restarting. Captured output follows. Any ideas, suggestions or comments on what's happening. I'm thinking it's probably a hardware issue. I purchased on Amazon. Can't find out how long the warranty/if it's still under warranty. DDR V1.11 f1474cf52f cym 23/05/09-11:02:36 LPDDR4X, 2112MHz CH2 RX Vref:27.5%, TX Vref:19.8%,20.8% CH3 RX Vref:30.1%, TX change to F1: 528MHz change to F2: 1068MHz change to F3: 156out U-Boot SPL board init U-Boot SPL 2017.09 (Jun 30 2023 - 19unknown raw ID 0 0 0 unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: 00, 00, 00 TTrying fit image at 0x4000 sector ## Verified-boot: 0 ## Check## Checking uboot 0x00200000 ... sha256(bab9643a63...) + OK ## atf-3 0x000f0000 ... sha256(da90adf3a4...) + OK Jumping to U-B.622 ms INFO: Preloader serial: 2 NOTICE: BL31: v2.3():vrt detected. INFO: ARM GICv3 driver initialized in EL3 INFOams[0].freq_mhz= 2112MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[1].freq_mhz= 528MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[2].freq_mhz= 1068MHz INFINFO: BL31: Initialising Exception Handling Framework INFO: initializing runtime service opteed_fast INFO: BL31: Prepar 0x200000 INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9 U-Boot 2017.09 (Jun 30 202CR: M/C/I Using default environment mmc@fe2c0000: 0, mmc@fe2Bootdev(atags): mmc 0 MMC0: Legacy, 52Mhz PartType: EFI DM: vCLK: (sync kernel. arm: enter 1008000 KHz, init 1008000 KHz, kerpll 1188000 KHz npll 24000 KHz ppll 1100000 KHz aclk_ceer_root 396000 KHz aclk_center_low_root 500000 KHz aclk_toot 396000 KHz Net: No ethernet found. Hit key to stop autobo-Boot script /boot.scr reading /boot.scr 3476 bytes read in 1 ded from mmc 0 reading /armbianEnv.txt 212 bytes read in 2 ms 15248365 bytes read in 1223 ms (11.9 MiB/s) reading /Image 34638336 bytes read in 2777 ms (11.9 MiB/s) reading /dtb/rockch234611 bytes read in 30 ms (7.5 MiB/s) ** Unable to read file /OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 0x0a100000 Booting usin000000000a1a1fff Adding bank: 0x00200000 - 0xf0000000 (size: 0xize: 0x03a00000) Adding bank: 0x4f0000000 - 0x500000000 (size: Total: 4379.611 ms Starting kernel ... DDR V1.11 f1474cf52f cym 23/05/09-11:02:36 LPDDR4X, 2112MHz cher ID:0x6 CH0 RX Vref:28.5%, TX Vref:20.8%,20.8% CH1 RX Vref:2 CH2 RX Vref:27.5%, TX Vref:20.8%,19.8% CH3 RX Vref:29.3%, TX change to F1: 528MHz change to F2: 1068MHz change to F3: 156out U-Boot SPL board init U-Boot SPL 2017.09 (Jun 30 2023 - 19Trying fit image at 0x4000 sector ## Verified-boot: 0 ## Check## Checking uboot 0x00200000 ... sha256(bab9643a63...) + OK ## .902 ms INFO: Preloader serial: 2 NOTICE: BL31: v2.3():vINFO: ddr: stride-en 4CH INFO: GICv3 without legacy suppo: system boots from cpu-hwid-0 INFO: idle_st=0x21fff, pd_ams[0].freq_mhz= 2112MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[1].freq_mhINFO: BL31: Initialising Exception Handling Framework INFO: U-Boot 2017.09 (Jun 30 2023 - 19:08:39 +0200) Model: OranCR: M/C/I Using default environment mmc@fe2c0000: 0, mmc@fe2Bootdev(atags): mmc 0 MMC0: Legacy, 52Mhz PartType: EFI DM: vCLK: (sync kernel. arm: enter 1008000 KHz, init 1008000 KHz, kerot 396000 KHz Net: No ethernet found. Hit key to stop autoboms (3.3 MiB/s) ## Executing script at 00500000 Boot script loa15248365 bytes read in 1223 ms (11.9 MiB/s) reading /Image 34638336 bytes read in 2776 ms (11.9 MiB/s) reading /dtb/rockch234611 bytes read in 29 ms (7.7 MiB/s) ** Unable to read file /p compressed) Data Size: 15248301 Bytes = 14.5 MiB LoOK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 0x0a100000 Booting usinefe00000) Adding bank: 0x100000000 - 0x3fc000000 (size: 0x2fc00ize: 0x03a00000) Adding bank: 0x4f0000000 - 0x500000000 (size: Total: 4378.924 ms Starting kernel ...
  8. I'm using ffmpeg and Kodi from the @amazingfate ppa. All has been running great although I don't think that I'm using hardware acceleration. I'm still on an older Jammy with the old/legacy kernel. I've tried newer kernels but getting issues so I stuck with the older kernel. I've started noticing lately that videos are being encoded with pixel format yuv420p10le. In Kodi, I was getting black screens while the audio was playing. I was following up on the Kodi forums, and was told that Kodi needed to be compiled for OpenGL instead of OpenGLES to make the video render properly. This is the thread: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=379167 So, I've been trying to compile Kodi myself. If/when I succeed, I'll post. Any info and/or comments about this and assistance is appreciated. I wasn't sure if this was the place to post this. If it's not feel free to delete this thread.
  9. Has anyone seen this? The claims there is a Vulkan driver now: https://github.com/Bleach665/Mali610Vulkan Can't confirm.
  10. I would suggest to try another m.2 nvme. Maybe a brand like Samsung. Maybe borrow one from a friend or have a local store that can lend you one to try or maybe buy one from Amazon that you can return if it doesn't work. There are some brands that I believe just "work better" and are more compatible. There's a saying I remember..."nobody ever got fired for suggesting IBM". It's the same sentiment. When you go with well known brands, that are usually more expensive, you usually can't go wrong. I remember other threads, for another board, where some drives worked and others did not. There were no reasons why this was so. There were threads that listed drives that worked and those that didn't because this was happening. Just a suggestion. Might not work.
  11. Give more info about your video playback issues. I'm using Armbian Jammy and the only issues that I had when I installed and set everything up was in Kodi. I was using Matrix, which was available at the time. It had issues playing XVid and AVI files. Recently I found that the next version, Nexus, was available, I believe in liujanfeng's PPA. In any case, I backed up my SD card and set it up on another OPi5 I have. I then upgraded Kodi to Nexus. Low and behold, those XVid and AVI files now play properly. I'm guessing there was an issue with codecs. In any case, I'm sticking with my Armbian Jammy now. I tried the vendor kernel and weird stuff was happening. So I'll wait until the updated video/gpu drivers are more mature. I've seen the Joshua Riek stuff mentioned frequently but as mine is now working, I have no incentive to continue.
  12. Is the video available so others can see if they experience the issue?
  13. Do you mean armbian-config? Because, you know, this forum is for supporting Armbian.
  14. @OttawaHacker What specifically do you mean regarding "on/off" thing? Previously, I updated the Kodi config for for my CEC remote to manage how certain functions work with the remote in CEC. This was done through the menus in Kodi. If you can explain what you're trying to do, I'll try it on my setup. I usually leave the CEC setup so that the TV and other devices are not turned off or switched to/from when the events happen. If you go to Settings / System / Input / Peripherals and then select CEC Adapter, a list of items that can be modified is displayed. I don't know if all of them work or if it depends on your TV, other devices etc. Have a look. Let me know if you want me to post the list.
  15. Needed/wanted to add Bluetooth to my OPi5 and also needed WiFi at the same time. Did not want to use 2 USB ports so I tried the T2UB. Working well. Bluetooth appeared on my Armbian Ubuntu Jammy setup and I plugged in the dongle. It saw a few of my bluetooth devices. Reason I wanted bluetooth is to use a controller for some games/emulators. I'll make another post for that. My PS4 Dualshock controller is not showing up in the list of devices. My version is an older version, Armbian 23.06.420 Jammy with Linux 5.10.160-rk35xx No end-user support: built from trunk Conclusion: TPLink T2UB should work properly on Armbian Ubuntu desktop.
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