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  1. Great thanks @mrdotdotdot it was fixed in some minutes !! Was already having Armbian 24.5.1 Jammy with Linux 6.1.63-current-rockchip64 (last found current image) on USB-stick so it was only booting and mounting and configuring and shutting down and connecting the Thread RCP and HA is working well !! And as you was writing dont forgetting freeze the kernel update or must redoing all more times.
  2. @mrdotdotdot or some one else have one good instruction how booting external media and chroot and fixing the kernel package installed ?
  3. By the way i agree with @Netraam31 with the install is using edge and its no download of current install so for new users is one no go then the edge kernel is being broken if not having one one year old current image that is working OK.
  4. Welcome to Armbian 24.5.1 Jammy with Linux 6.6.32-current-rockchip64 After package upgrade: Kernel update it braking booting then cant finding root file system and landing in Ubuntu Busybux. Only one of 3 RG3318 ungraded the other ones shall waiting. The package is 6-linux-image-current-rockchip64_24.5.3_arm64.deb with kernel 6.6.39-current-rockchip64 (current NOT Edge !!). So recommending frees kernel updates so staying on 6.6.32 or you is getting no working system.
  5. From first post: Prebuilt images: Archived images - built by Armbian servers and GPG-signed: https://imola.armbian.com/dl/rk3318-box/archive/ Nightly stables - built from trunk by Armbian servers and GPG-signed: https://github.com/armbian/community Stables provided by me (unsigned): https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/ but the Archive with current images for RK3318 is down (many types is missing on the homepage) but the RK3228 is there but its not helping for my RK3318 boxes. Do some have one mirror of the latest current / stable builds that can being shred ?
  6. Looks like the CE (China Export NOT the EU CE) have "re branding" one RK to some HUW chop that was likely in one phone copy running one RK chip and (or more likely tablet).
  7. @svdmk Thanks for sharing the knollage !! Did you also finding the console comport on the PCB ?
  8. Can you making one hi rec photo of both sides of the PCB its likely have pads for MASKROM but you can using the pads for MMC / NAND but need looking for the pining of then for getting the right one. Also if being in MASKROM it shall booting DC-card with bootloader on it. Then having (updated not factory Android) bootloader on the EMMC it shall also booting USB-flach sticks without problem.
  9. @audio kees Use disk manager in windows system for erasing all partitions on the SD-cad and it shall being OK. But burning one new images its making more partitions agen.
  10. Was just running apt-get update and rebooting and its getting updated kernel: _ _________ ____ _ _ __| | _|___ /___ \|___ \__ __ | |__ _____ __ | '__| |/ / |_ \ __) | __) \ \/ /____| '_ \ / _ \ \/ / | | | < ___) / __/ / __/ > <_____| |_) | (_) > < |_| |_|\_\____/_____|_____/_/\_\ |_.__/ \___/_/\_\ Welcome to Armbian 23.11.1 Jammy with Linux 6.1.63-current-rk322x And i have one Ubuntu CLI on the HDMI monitor and the LED have being fixed so not the fix is online !!! Great thanks for great work done !!!!
  11. Looks like only minimal is being build for Ubuntu but the loggfile is shoeing the standard shall have being done 2. From the "Armbian_23.8.99_Rk322x-box_jammy_current_6.1.62.img.txt" file: "Armbian_23.8.99_Rk322x-box_jammy_current_6.1.62.img.xz" but the file is missing.
  12. If i have understanding it right if erasing the eMMC and installing the loader in it the its possible jump stating eternal media also USB as secondary uboot is on the media. Then the system is using the first boot bin from the eMMC and the uboot from the media. Your try is working OK until the trust OS is starting and its getting some problems (legacy kernel need one old type and current need one newer one for working OK). I think fabiobassa is the one that having more deep knowledge of this functions but its very deep in the RK boot code.
  13. @Aapo Tahkola My experience of USB on RK boxes is that its working good some time but if getting problem is needed being repowered for detecting new and disconnected device and normally its one time bomb before getting problems with USB both 2 and 3 then its using the same hardware implementation.
  14. @remlei very true 1/8G can running but best mounting one SD-card for docker data so all HA containers is being out of the eMMC then its being full then HA is installed and booting up for the first time also USB is tricky and need repower for getting disconnected device being reconiced after some time but they is working pretty good for no production systems.
  15. For the journalctl problem reinstalling the package restart the system and reinstall HA as is written in the HA hint and its working. The large problem is if having less RAM its braking the zram logging but its one other story. For install download one older HA installer and its working without local mode.
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