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  1. rk3566 with kernel 6.6 and chromium-browser It's not mainline because is not the last from kernel.org? But it is the last in community builds and not a BSP kernel. I am not using the new RGA node but will update with 6.9 I am using the 1506 ddr blob without issues but kids should not use this at home.
  2. You are right that I'm not right. I'm on "direct to plane" but 4k30fps is the top.
  3. I use Desktop gnome on mainline and works very good. Video and web and just want to pull fireworks from the chip and so making trials with kernels. The best for me now is mainline with 1080p in web video without skipped frames. This is the top but can't stop trying 🤕🤒🤮
  4. That is not true in my box (checked), but 4k 30 FPS yes. Maybe is possible with a turbo rk3566 (2 ghz)
  5. Maybe the panfork was present in my system and slowing down? I dont know, but i think that not. Panfrost was active and the problem must be drm is better in mainline.
  6. The video processor unit can decode your file but the rendering unit (GPU) can't display it. You can view your file at lower resolution and so you have half of 4k capabilities. Even at 1080p you get low FPS because the CPU can't resize fast enough. You need rk3588 or mabe rk3576 to view full 4k. An rk3566 with stand alone kodi can do the job but librelec or corelec are not supported for this CPU. Odroid M1 have this on its forum.
  7. The video processor unit can decode your file but the rendering unit (GPU) can't display it. You can view your file at lower resolution and so you have half of 4k capabilities. Even at 1080p you get low FPS because the CPU can't resize fast enough. You need rk3588 or mabe rk3576 to view full 4k.
  8. Your box can't play 4k and more powerfull boxes neither. The sellers lie about this. You should try with kodi to get the BEST of it. You must configure settings and player settings.
  9. You have to change the mdio ethernet phy from 0 to 1 in your DTB.
  10. I have run this on my box but I'm dissapointed because I get better 1080P youtube with mainline kernel. I think the problem is that this repo is focused in rk3588 with uses mali driver with GBM, and seems that panfrost has not it. I can run 4K video with poor results and that means MPP is enabled (checked with dmesg). I have better video with vendor android. Don't waste your time, I will do it for you O:)
  11. U-boot booting device is configured when compiled so the tweak is to make a new one.
  12. We dont know what resolution are you decoding but 1440p is something hantro cant do. Maybe 720p upscaled to 1440p. If that is the case you CPU usage is in concordante with VPU decoding.
  13. Seems that you want to try to use mpp with mainline kernel. That's not possible. The chromium PPA is for legacy kernel and dtb. In mainline kernel there is an VPU driver called hantro for rk3566 that works.
  14. It is known that Coreelec modifies the boot and so armbian can not boot. You'll have to restore your device.
  15. You can try to avoid the module at boot time. Simply add a bootarg to the kernel line like these: module_blacklist=modname1,modname2,modname3 modprobe.blacklist=modname1,modname2,modname3. The later allows you to load the module afterwards.
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