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mdel got a reaction from Staars in Armbian for tv box Z28
yes i've heard about the rock64 gbe problem, don't know if it was finally solved (pcb tracks timings), but i don't know about a global rk3328 GMAC interface problem.
So far i can't fault my z28pro Gbe, it has been running a torrent through vpn with continuous upload of 30-50Mbps and i haven't noticed any problem, nor any dubious log output..
i've done a short 6 min iperf test :
i also transfered approx 750GB of real data to an attached USB drive and about 80MB/s and it didn't fail.
If it's not a physical hardware issue, and yes the ethernet pcb design on that device is quite insane ( massive gap under the transformer, although strictly following the datasheet recommendation), i must say that all my traffic is going through quality shielded cat6 cables with proper earth.
well the z28pro 2G/16G (Gbe, Wifi AC+BT) being often available at or below 40e, i don't think you'll find a Usb3/Gbe device at a lower price.
I'll leave the dev boards aside although i don't think they are much cheaper and you should at least add the cost of a case and power adapter.
mdel got a reaction from manuti in ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)
it's not really an answer to your problem but i'll mention that for headless server oriented devices with good performance for the price, i have moved to rockchip and specifically rk3328 devices (same as rock64 board) which (should) have good Gbe and usb3.
The rk3328 is not more powerful than a s905 (i don't care about hw decoder and 3D stuff) but it has a crypto extension module that works fine and will almost saturate a Gbe openvpn link, i bought a 2g/16g + bt/802ac (not working in linux yet) for around 35e, it's the alfawise z28 pro, here's a thread about it https://forum.armbian.com/topic/4708-z28-rk3328-18/
Read the thread carefully it has some serious caveats (can't boot from sdcard which it could, but no on that particular board) so it may not be a device for everyone and we are currently waiting for other box reviews to see if another one has less "linux install" problems..
i've been using a linux mainline kernel (17.04 server) on it for a month and i don't think i'll need a device more fully featured that this one for quite some time..
mdel got a reaction from manuti in ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)
yes i forgot about my beelink x2, good that you mention it, with allwinner having good (?) mainline support, it could be a better alternative but as this is an amlogic thread, i'll leave it there.
i don't know about those MXQ boxes, i don't have any s905x/w at the moment but as they are cheap ones i don't mind getting one if it's my only option..
From what i read on forums, librelec has spdif support on amlogic s905, so i imagine it should work on my tv boxes with armbian as well.
I will test libreelec and latest armbian and if it does work i'll have to dig through audio patches and ask @balbes150 if he can add them to his armbian image.
mdel got a reaction from nightseas in rk3288 alternative boards (cheap tv boxes).
[ This thread started more or less here : And what do you think about porting to a cheap Android TVBox ]
If anyone's interested we can discuss Armbian or linux for those rk3288 devices here.
I'll start with mine (Q8 without front panel) which is the XT-Q8L-V10 from enybox (Chiptrip Q8 on gearbest or that other EKB328 on Aliexpress with front panel).
I have a feeling that those boards are discontinued and being put on sale as end of stock.
There are various other boxes with rk3288 which prices are pretty high (>80e) and were probably seen at some point as high end boxes.
Other threads for that board can be found here :
- freaktab.com serial header thread
- Timp74 bitbucket.org
(both pretty old sources from mid 2015)
the board is the following : (front panel is optional)
I already own and use many arm boards, regular ones like raspberry pi, odroid, orange pi and tv boxes mainly amlogic ones from s805 to s912.
I favor amlogic for their large availability and good linux and armbian support (thx to @balbes150 ).
My decision of trying to get a working rk3288 linux, is only driven by the high single core performance of that soc.
Mostly in an (high speed >100Mbps) openvpn context (openssl), some figures showed it was 30-40% faster than the s905 which is already quite fast compared to other allwinner socs.
I'm only looking for cheap tv boxes and for any price over 50e i would turn to dev boards with good support.
The idea is to take advantage of the recent popularity of rk3288 dev boards, Miqi and asus tinker although other boards already existed which is not surprising considering that soc entered the market in 2014.
Rockchip seems to be very active on the linux front and rk3288 is getting mainline uboot / kernel support.
mdel got a reaction from Shimon in rk3288 alternative boards (cheap tv boxes).
[ This thread started more or less here : And what do you think about porting to a cheap Android TVBox ]
If anyone's interested we can discuss Armbian or linux for those rk3288 devices here.
I'll start with mine (Q8 without front panel) which is the XT-Q8L-V10 from enybox (Chiptrip Q8 on gearbest or that other EKB328 on Aliexpress with front panel).
I have a feeling that those boards are discontinued and being put on sale as end of stock.
There are various other boxes with rk3288 which prices are pretty high (>80e) and were probably seen at some point as high end boxes.
Other threads for that board can be found here :
- freaktab.com serial header thread
- Timp74 bitbucket.org
(both pretty old sources from mid 2015)
the board is the following : (front panel is optional)
I already own and use many arm boards, regular ones like raspberry pi, odroid, orange pi and tv boxes mainly amlogic ones from s805 to s912.
I favor amlogic for their large availability and good linux and armbian support (thx to @balbes150 ).
My decision of trying to get a working rk3288 linux, is only driven by the high single core performance of that soc.
Mostly in an (high speed >100Mbps) openvpn context (openssl), some figures showed it was 30-40% faster than the s905 which is already quite fast compared to other allwinner socs.
I'm only looking for cheap tv boxes and for any price over 50e i would turn to dev boards with good support.
The idea is to take advantage of the recent popularity of rk3288 dev boards, Miqi and asus tinker although other boards already existed which is not surprising considering that soc entered the market in 2014.
Rockchip seems to be very active on the linux front and rk3288 is getting mainline uboot / kernel support.
mdel got a reaction from Shimon in RK3328 Kernel
i expect it will, and i suppose it will greatly depend on the quality of the kernel source provided by the MiQi or Asus projects..
But i can already see that the official Rockchip git (linux kernel) is quite active.
@tkaiser will probably elaborate on that front.
That's another nice cheap one i see, and very good to see it has gigabit, i hope my Q8 will be as well.
Could i ask you to test the Gigabit speed quality on your android (adb or terminal with iperf or iperf3).
Also i don't see serial headers on your picture, did you locate it ?
It would also be nice to see if you can access command prompt i uboot.
But considering its price, if your Gbe tests are good, i'll probably order one of those.
-- edit --
can you tell me what's the reference of the small chip next to the mini/micro usb port ?
mdel got a reaction from Shimon in ARMBIAN for Amlogic S905 and S905X (ver 5.44 =<)
flashed it to my a95x box with ubuntu server rootfs on emmc and it booted okay here.
On another topic i'm currently trying to get an hw accelerated version of the kernel/kodi/mpv, mostly from kszaq git onto your armbian ubuntu image.
Can you confirm that you are not using any of his 3.14 kernel patches in your kernel ?
I'm also not quite sure which mali version you are using at the moment.
I'm not done browsing through kszaq LE 8 files, and LE get script output, so i'll get my answers in time but if you're kind enough to tell me what you know is missing in your image, it would be nice. thx.
mdel got a reaction from Yefet in Beelink X2 with armbian possible?
sorry i just realized i didn't follow the topic.
i want to confirm that with the lastest Armbian_5.20_Beelinkx2_Debian_jessie_3.4.112.img, it seems to have fixed my boot issues as well.
I only have used it for a day but did many shutdown / upgrades / reboots and haven't seen the "purple no boot" behavior that i had previously.
I do have some reboot / shutdown "problems" :
got a faulty reboot (shutdown -r now) with it stuck on purple but power cycling solved it.
got a weird halt (shutdown -h now) with no red light on (no led), and others with red light but that i couldn't start from the power button or remote, but i don't know if it's possible or not.
Also it's probably not relevant, as i stepped on the wires during first boot, but the sd card resize did not work, i will try again.