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    schunckt got a reaction from Gunjan Gupta in duo2 6.1.34-sunxi ov5640 video capture kernel oops   
    I can confirm 6.1.47 now works!
    One caveat: Highest resolution 2592x1944 still has the cma/dma memory error like  6.4.x.
    But as of now I don't mind.
    I'll focus next on the harware encoding and other hardware resting,
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    schunckt reacted to Gunjan Gupta in duo2 6.1.34-sunxi ov5640 video capture kernel oops   
    @schunckt I have disabled patch/kernel/archive/sunxi-6.1/patches.megous/media-sun6i-csi-Pass-on-g_parm-s_parm-to-the-subdev.patch as that was the code causing the kernel oops. You should be able to use the camera now with 6.1 kernel as well 
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    schunckt reacted to going in duo2 6.1.34-sunxi ov5640 video capture kernel oops   
    Just build EDGE or install the EDGE kernel ready to confirm or refute my assumptions.
    P.S. BRANCH=edge
    Today it is the core v6.4.8
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    schunckt got a reaction from going in duo2 6.1.34-sunxi ov5640 video capture kernel oops   
    Did further play around with ffmpeg and v4l pipeline.
    This now WORKS also 6.4.8-sunxi  (Armbian_23.08.0-trunk_Nanopiduo2_jammy_edge_6.4.8_minimal  build from 07-Aug)
    v4l2-ctl --device /dev/video1 --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=YUYV media-ctl --device /dev/media1 --set-v4l2 '"ov5640 2-003c":0[fmt:YUYV8_2X8/1280x720]' ffmpeg -i /dev/video1 -q 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -video_size 1280x720 -r 5 -listen 1 -f avi VLC ffmpeg is  version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
    This means, there was a problem "behind the scenes" in 6.1x  which is now fixed.
    Other parameters which did work in the past and now failing might be a side effect of internal improvments.
    I'll figure out anyway because this kernel now also contains the cedrus video engine and I want to use that for encoding and decoding.
    So from my point of view the issue is solved.
    @going the highest resolution 2592x1944 did work in friendlycore xenial 4.14 so the driver WAS able to do so.
    Don't know yet if something is now broken - but as said above need to play around anyways.
    Thanks @all!
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    schunckt reacted to a.rodionov in Nanopi neo air ffmpeg with Cedrus H264   
    Full .dts, which is works for us, now is  placed in uboborov repository.
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