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  1. Markus_

    Odroid C1

    I get same error on u-boot compile, but found a workaround to use prebuilt u-boot: # u-boot compile breaks for odroidc1, use REPOSITORY_INSTALL=u-boot (but only # legacy/current no edge! or copy deb to ./build/output/debs/linux-u-boot-edge-odroidc1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb) mkdir -p ./output/debs wget -c -O ./output/debs/linux-u-boot-edge-odroidc1_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-u-boot-odroidc1-current/linux-u-boot-current-odroidc1_21.02.3_armhf.deb # without CLEAN_LEVEL= linux-image-*.deb will be deleted and new kernel/deb created ./compile.sh CLEAN_LEVEL= KERNEL_KEEP_CONFIG=yes COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE=sha,xz EXPERT=yes
  2. Building Image for Odroid C1 is broken again since some weeks (old u-boot compiler?). I created above images with this help https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ on Xubuntu 22.04.1 direct (no Virtualbox/Docker), just ./compile.sh and choose EOS odroidc1 but as it's broken, no need to download all dependencies. Kernel can be upgraded with armbian-config (System, Other). 5.15.80 and 6.0.10 are latest, but you can install 6.1.0 from https://github.com/hzyitc/armbian-onecloud/releases , just download (eg. with wget to /tmp) linux-dtb-edge-meson_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb linux-headers-edge-meson_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb linux-image-edge-meson_23.02.0-trunk_armhf.deb and install all 3 packages with "dpkg -i linux*.deb" (takes some minutes) and reboot. armbian-onecloud has S805 like Odroid C1.
  3. Markus_

    Odroid C1

    problem exist since kernel 5.x for sure, I don't remember if it worked with kernel 3.10
  4. Markus_

    Odroid C1

    no change, I think the reboot problem is based on dtb and can only be solved with an editor and dtc
  5. Markus_

    Odroid C1

    [ OK ] Reached target Unmount All Filesystems. [ OK ] Reached target Late Shutdown Services. [ OK ] Finished System Reboot. [ OK ] Reached target System Reboot. system hangs after a sudo reboot/sudo systemctl reboot and does not come up without power cycle. I think problem is in dtb and exists since long time.
  6. Markus_

    Odroid C1

  7. I built images for Odroid C1 with kernel 5.18.19 for Debian Bullseye and Ubuntu Jammy. Perhaps it's useful for anybody. - headless only (no HDMI output) - power cut is required for reboot - usb hotplug works with hint from post above "usbcore.autosuspend=-1" as boot arguments in /boot/boot.ini end of line "setenv bootargs" image/kernel debs: https://mega.nz/folder/xwd23LgD#gawWyLs7o_UxImVOBUil9w
  8. usbimager is preferred to flash image to microsd. Please keep in mind Odroid C1 don't work with every microsd card (Sandisk Ultra is ok) https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/ https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/usbimager
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