Ok some images are up for testing.
Both HKs' 4.19 and tobetter's 5.18-rcX were updated. Maybe something is fixed. Tobetter commits signal support for PCIe.
For those who are brave:
https://github.com/rpardini/armbian-release/releases/download/20220508d/Armbian_20220508d-rpardini_Odroidm1_jammy_legacy_4.19.219.img.zst (probably no HDMI)
https://github.com/rpardini/armbian-release/releases/download/20220508d/Armbian_20220508d-rpardini_Odroidm1_jammy_edge_5.18.0.img.zst (probably no PCIe/SATA/USB3)
EDIT: old images removed. Look for later posts for newer ones
unzstd them, burn to SD, insert SD, power on.
recommend to use UART
Have fun @Neo2SHYAlien @Stan Pak @N4IRS @Slartibartfast9536 @Igor