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Posts posted by chandlerkc

  1. On 3/16/2023 at 3:52 AM, balbes150 said:

    After completing the test, copy the received link and publish it in this topic.



    On 3/16/2023 at 3:52 AM, balbes150 said:

    It is also advisable to publish the result of a command


    dmesg | grep pvtm


    from any "old" system running (with kernel 5.10).


    $ dmesg | grep pvtm
    [    4.064598] rockchip-pvtm fda40000.pvtm: pvtm@0 probed
    [    4.064657] rockchip-pvtm fda50000.pvtm: pvtm@1 probed
    [    4.064717] rockchip-pvtm fda60000.pvtm: pvtm@2 probed
    [    4.064770] rockchip-pvtm fdaf0000.pvtm: pvtm@3 probed
    [    4.064821] rockchip-pvtm fdb30000.pvtm: pvtm@4 probed
    [    4.360207] cpu cpu0: pvtm=1499
    [    4.360292] cpu cpu0: pvtm-volt-sel=4
    [    4.374085] cpu cpu4: pvtm=1734
    [    4.382508] cpu cpu4: pvtm-volt-sel=5
    [    4.397347] cpu cpu6: pvtm=1745
    [    4.405565] cpu cpu6: pvtm-volt-sel=6
    [    4.487909] mali fb000000.gpu: pvtm=885
    [    4.487947] mali fb000000.gpu: pvtm-volt-sel=3
    [    4.568549] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: pvtm=887
    [    4.572941] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: pvtm-volt-sel=4



    neofetch output:

    $ neofetch
          █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █      OS: Armbian (23.02.2) aarch64 
         ███████████████████████     Host: Radxa ROCK 5B 
       ▄▄██                   ██▄▄   Kernel: 5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588 
       ▄▄██    ███████████    ██▄▄   Uptime: 1 day, 3 hours, 29 mins 
       ▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Packages: 2101 (dpkg) 
       ▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Shell: bash 5.2.15 
       ▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Terminal: /dev/pts/0 
       ▄▄██   █████████████   ██▄▄   CPU: (8) @ 1.800GHz 
       ▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄   Memory: 470MiB / 7688MiB 
       ▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄
       ▄▄██   ██         ██   ██▄▄                           
       ▄▄██                   ██▄▄                           
          █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █


    11 hours ago, balbes150 said:


    The download speed at https://disk.yandex.ru/d/V5AxXNN2yJnOfg/20230320-edge is horrible...


    On 3/16/2023 at 3:52 AM, balbes150 said:

    For those who use my latest version of u-boot in SPI\MTD - you can very easily start the system from USB without breaking the system in NVMe. Just burn the image to any USB flash drive, connect it to Rock 5b and turn on the power, the system automatically starts from USB (without affecting anything in NVMe).

    Can you, please, tell me where is the download link and the u-boot flash instructions? 😊

    Thanks in advance!!

  2. On 2/21/2023 at 11:06 AM, Nurb432 said:

    But, i can try it again and will attempt clearing via DD instead

    I could get a weekly release build Armbian XFCE running great directly from NVMe, I believe in earlier replies there is some instructions about doing that.


    Armbian + this hardware power is great!! The lack of mainline linux kernel is the most important thing to improve, but I would like to point another thing:

    I was trying to install GitLab Community Edition in the latest Armbian for ROCK5B (I know there are a lot of issues), one of the requisites is to have ruby interpreter of exactly the version 2.7, and the interpreter available in repositories is 3.0 (which is not suported by GitLab server).

    So I have tried to compile from source, but I was not able to do that because it does not find openssl, even if I add the correct path in the configure script...


    I know this topic is not the main subject of this discussion, but I would like to point that as this is the most important topics in the ROCK5B forum section.

  3. 6 hours ago, Jay Maynard said:

    I wasn't offered SPI + NVMe/SATA; I only got boot from SD or MTD. This is on the 20230209 image, booted from SD with an NVMe installed. (It found the NVMe just fine.)


    You were not able to install it in NVMe? It boots only from SD?

  4. On 2/9/2023 at 8:01 AM, balbes150 said:

    Version 20230209 with kernel 5.10.110 with added HW support.

    Test results.


    Is it booting directly from NVMe? I would be glad if you could share the installation procedure 😊


    Thanks in advance!!

  5. Hello everyone,


    I would like to thank @lurk101 very much for his patience in helping me how to boot Armbian directly to NVMe in my ROCK5B.


    I could do that with the Official release 22.11 Jammy with Gnome from the website.


    The PSU I am using is a dumb 5V 3A which I used to power my Raspberry Pi 4.


    As I could boot the OS directly from NVMe, I asked if he would mind if I shared the information with you.


    He answered he doesn't, so here we go...




     For the bootloader image I used




    For the Armbian image I used the current Armbian 22.11 Jammy Gnome image.


    Assuming you have a bootable system with NVME SSD plugged in, The first thing to do is to zero out the NVME  partition table with


    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 count=100


    power down, then boot from an SD with the downloaded Armbian image, proceed with all the setup stuff till you get to a command prompt. You then need to transfer both downloaded images to the booted system by whatever mean is available to you. I use sftp after installing ssh.


    Now program the SPI flash with


    sudo dd if=rkspi_loader.img of=/dev/mtdblock0


    It will takes 3-5 minutes to program 16MB of SPI flash.


    Then program the NVME SSD with the Armbian image with


    sudo dd if=Armbian_22.11.2_Rock-5b_jammy_legacy_5.10.110_gnome_desktop.img of=/dev/nvme0n1


    Shutdown, remove the SD card, power cycle. Should boot to NVME. Redo all the setup stuff.


    However, I was not able to use Ethernet port neither my wifi m.2 adapter, so there is no network connection...


    If I have more information I will share with you, thanks a lot!!



  6. 5 hours ago, lurk101 said:

    Hard to say, I've had so many different configurations on this board in the last 6 weeks. Here's how I did it last time.


    - The 1st time I started with an unformatted nvme SSD. Then using https://github.com/armbian/build/releases/download/23.02.0-trunk.0186/Armbian_23.02.0-trunk.0186_Rock-5b_jammy_legacy_5.10.110_minimal.img.xz burnt to SD.

    - Booted the SD then used arbian-install and selected the 3rd option (i think) to flash the boot loader to SPI flash. It's a slow operation, be patient.

    - Then selected option 1, install to mmc, nvme, or something like that.

    - Power cycle after removing the SD card.


    The downside of this configuration is that you can no longer boot from SD, as pointed out previously. This leads to problem with consecutive installs. To workaround the problem I zero out the 1st few blocks of the nvme before shutting down prior to the install.


    That said, for the time being I've given up on Armbian for the rock-5b and have reverted to to Radxa's Ubuntu server image. I run exclusively headless, except for installs, and that configuration best meets my needs. I've alsways had a trouble free experience with Armbian running on all my previous Rockchip based SBCs so this is a 1st!


    I was able to boot and run armbian-config only with the lastest Official Armbian Image.


    The Power Supply, the NVMe and the microSD card I used did not cause ANY issue...


    I was not able to install and boot armbian to NVMe with that image, I would be so glad if someone could provide me better information of the procedure to make that installation to install Armbian and boot it directly from NVMe.


    If I get more information I will keep you up to date 😊

  7. 6 hours ago, lurk101 said:

    Ok,  you have no clue why your image won't boot from SD, so you blame the supply. Fine, I'll just keep using the standard Armbian image. I've wasted enough time on this. I don't need to boot from SD and NVME boot works well.


    What did you do to boot Armbian only with NVMe?


    Thanks in advance for sharing!

  8. @lurk101 I will try to reproduce the steps @balbes150 gently told us, I have not had yet enough time to do that.


    When I get it to run, I will post a full report of how to do that.



    If you did not write anything to SPI and there are no radxa loaders (in which the UART output is disabled), then you have a power problem.


    I am using a dumb 5V 3A USB-C Power Supply that I have always used with my Raspberry Pi 4, do you think using a PD PSU will be better?

  9. Hello @balbes150, thanks for your hard work by providing these images for those who own the ROCK5B.


    I flashed the following images into my microSD:


    - Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Rock-5b_jammy_legacy_5.10.110

    - Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Rock-5b_jammy_edge_6.2.0


    and both of them did not make any HDMI video output in my ROCK5B, there is no blue light activity LED blinking.


    I have tried to access through SSH and UART, but neither of them worked.


    I flashed the .img files directly to microSD (with and without nvme plugged in the M.2 PCI-e slot).


    Can someone, please, tell me the right procedure to run armbian-install from u-boot to install in my NVME drive?


    Thanks in advance!!

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