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  1. I've installed pluseaudio, mpg123 and attached pin 7, 8 with pin 2 to an external speakers(left using pin 7 and right using pin 8). However, when running mpg123 test.mp3, the file was played successfully but no audio was heard. Any means of debugging what could have gone wrong?
  2. GpioController io =new GpioController(PinNumberingScheme.Logical, new RockchipDriver(gpioRegisterAddresses: new uint[] { 0xFF21_0000, 0xFF22_0000, 0xFF23_0000, 0xFF24_0000 })); int iPin=RockchipDriver.MapPinNumber(gpioNumber: 2, port: 'A', portNumber: 2); io.OpenPin(iPin); io.SetPinMode(iPin, PinMode.InputPullDown); PinValue value = io.Read(iPin); Running the above and get error as follow... I wonder where did Pin 66 come from? Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Pin 66 does not support mode InputPullDown. at System.Device.Gpio.GpioController.SetPinMode(Int32 pinNumber, PinMode mode) at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) Aborted
  3. I suppose it's version 2(OrangePi_R1_Plus_LTS_RK3328_User Manual_v2.0.pdf) I'll setup and try out Pin13 with your suggestion. Thanks again for reading and providing suggestion.
  4. Thanks Kat, it's OrangePi R1 Plus LTS and has 8 GPIO when not connected to an adapter board. I did find a sample at https://github.com/ZhangGaoxing/rockchip-gpio-driver where the author stated an example as follow int pinNumber = RockchipDriver.MapPinNumber(gpioNumber: 4, port: 'C', portNumber: 6); I am puzzled if the gpioNumber: 4 refers to the GPIO serial number in page 130 of the manual? Any ideal what is port: 'C', portNumber: 6?
  5. I'm attempt to do two simple switches via GPIO on OrangePi R1 LTS Plus using RK3328 using .Net Core and here my code snippet. GpioController ioc = new GpioController(PinNumberingScheme.Logical, new RockchipDriver(gpioRegisterAddresses: new uint[] { 0xFF21_0000, 0xFF22_0000, 0xFF23_0000, 0xFF24_0000 })); int iPin=RockchipDriver.MapPinNumber(???) // where do I find the information to do logical pin number mapping? ioc.OpenPin(iPin); ioc.SetPinMode(iPin, PinMode.InputPullUp); PinValue v=ioc.Read(iPin); Thanks for reading and any suggestion is appreciated.
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