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Everything posted by occupied_username

  1. Hey Garz, I am new to Armbian as well, but kind of feel, I am getting the hang of it -- so let me try and point you in the direction of some info that helped me out. I myself got the feeling, that using the stable version was... well... less stable when tinkering with hardware acceleration. Things seemed to work out better when I started using the later "trunks" (amended/adapted OS-images). It has also provided some use for me to mix-and-match a bit, when it comes to what "guides" I follow. With that regard, I would suggest this approach: 1) Use a more recent trunk than the default image/trunk You can find the later releases here: https://github.com/armbian/build/releases 2) Take you outset in one of the many guides for optimizing GPU-performance. This one worked well for me, namely since it also displays some nice ways of validating the effects of the optimizations: Note. When I ran $ cd /usr/lib64/ && sudo ln -s aarch64-linux-gnu/libv4l2.so.0.0.0 libv4l2.so the command returned an "error" referring to the fact that the file already existed. I simply ignored that, with no apparent detrimental effect, assuming that some of what the guide provides had been implemented elsewhere in the preceding pipeline. 3) Ensure that you are actually running Wayland. One way to test this is with $ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE If it returns "x11", then you are not running Wayland. Not sure whether this is still a prerequisite, as I was seeing an impact of the configurations @eshelton outlines prior to the reboot. The Kodi-guide by @adr3nal1n27 also worked well for me. In general, you should spend some time reading up on some of the threads in here. Many of them provide insight in common issues, and the general progression of Armbian for the OPi5 SBC. This OG thread should certainly be on the curriculum 🙂 Break a leg!
  2. Hi again, This time I might actually have a relevant reply 🙂 Have you looked into the stuff ChrisBread did with his OPi5? I haven't tried any of it, but it would be, what I would try first (namely the "governor"-stuff, as he reports it is low risk and high gain). Here is a link to one of his posts within the original thread, though I think we would need to piece the most efficient approach together from a collection of posts: Break a leg!
  3. Hi Fredrum, I do not mean to hijack your thread, but could you share the procedure you used to get dolphin running? I have been banging my head against getting it set up for weeks now. So, well done! All the best, Nicolaj
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