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Everything posted by SNCSCRWUP

  1. Hello again and sorry again for posting about ubuntu in an armbian forum. The issue was that newer Wine versions include timing64 files not available on all systems. Wine 7.0.1 worked. This thread made my project possible so thank you.
  2. At step: I am getting a series of errors: And more similar to this with different Symbols. ntdll.so is not located in the specified path, it is located here /home/[UserName]/wine/lib/wine/i386-unix I had moved files so the symlinks worked. I was also attempting to use the lastest stable wine: 8.0.1 System is ubuntu 22.04 jammy, I subbed in pieces where necessary. The reason I'm using this image is because the rk3328 Renegade can only use overlays for a 3.5" screen with the ubuntu image from what I've found. I do not know enough to understand where to start correcting this error, help is appreciated.
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