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Tim Steve

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Everything posted by Tim Steve

  1. This issue could be caused by a conflict between the device connected to the GPIO pins and the boot process of the Radxa Zero. I would suggest checking the wiring and ensuring that the connections are correct and secure. It's also worth checking if there are any conflicts in the configuration or settings related to the UART and GPIO pins.
  2. Edit the /boot/armbianEnv.txt file and uncomment the line overlays=uart2. Save the changes and reboot the board.
  3. Try selecting a different resolution from the display Setting list and see if it resolves the issue. Start with a resolution that matches the aspect ratio of your display (16:9). If the issue persists, try different resolutions to see if any of them work correctly.
  4. You should double-check that you are in the correct directory when trying to run the script. You mentioned that you have cloned the Kiauh files successfully, so make sure you are in the root directory of the Kiauh files before executing the script.
  5. Check if your ili9341 LCD is compatible with the version of Armbian you're using. Also check the physical connections and any required additional components, such as an SPI interface or level shifters. And also make sure you have the latest version of Armbian installed on your device.
  6. Ensure that you have the latest software and firmware updates installed on your OPI 4 LTS.
  7. Yes, you can go ahead and build a NAS. Using the Banana Pi M2 Berry. It's a small computer that can handle basic NAS tasks. To connect a larger hard drive, you'll need to provide power to it separately. The operating system called Armbian, which is designed for devices like the Banana Pi M2 Berry, should work without needing any manual adjustments. However, it's always a good idea to check the compatibility and support forums to make sure everything will work smoothly. Good luck with your NAS project.
  8. If updating the firmware or driver doesn't resolve the issue, Consider using an external USB WiFi adapter as an alternative. Many adapters are compatible with Armbian and can provide a reliable wireless connection.
  9. Connect to your Armbian device via SSH or access its command line interface. Open the /boot/armbianEnv.txt file using a text editor. You can use the nano editor by running the following command: sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt Look for the line that starts with disp_mode or extraargs. If you find extraargs, add disp_mode after it. Modify the line to include the appropriate display resolution. For example: extraargs=fbcon=map:10 console=ttyS0,115200 disp_mode=320x240 Save the changes and exit the text editor. In nano, you can press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit. Reboot your Armbian device for the changes to take effect. You can do this by running: sudo reboot After the reboot, the display resolution should be adjusted to fit your TFT LCD.
  10. To enable hardware decoding (hwdec) on the Orange Pi 3 LTS board with H6 chipset, you'll need to ensure that your system is running a recent version of the Linux kernel and the corresponding device drivers. As you mentioned, some older guides might not be applicable to the LTS version, so it's important to find up-to-date instructions.
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