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Everything posted by Rubiniuz

  1. I made a seperate post here:
  2. So from help from github i am further with my research. My display is still detected. changing the boot.cmd and recompiling it and setting the armbianenv variables for display all to the best possible resolution and refresh rate doesn't change anything. this is because there is a ghost display output which is set as primary: I cant find any posts or documentation about disabling/removing this ghost screen. Or even changing the primary display output. armbian monitor: https://paste.armbian.com/debeteruto boot.cmd part 1 boot cmd part 2 changing hpd and edid to 0 to force my settings hasnt changed anything that's why i enabled them again. armbianEnv.txt These are the display i think chipsets or drivers.
  3. Aah ohkay got it. I have a thread ongoing at my post and at github I installed the latest Odroid armbian image as cli on a micro sd card. this card was in the odroid with their latest ubuntu image before flashing. Because of driver support I switched to armbian. I than enabled wifi with a wifi dongle and connected my 7" screen. I was able to see the boot sequence and cli and configure the rest before switching to ssh to control the odroid. I Installed KIAUH a klipper installation tool. Its for 3d printing. And everything worked just like it did on the Ubuntu odroid image. But now when I wanted to install the visual 'plugin' the screen went to no signal after the boot sequence. So I still see the boot sequence but after it the screen just turns itself off. SSH still works. the screen is still detected when using display detection commands. I couldn't see any errors or warnings in any logs I could find related to X graphics or the 'plugin' that I installed. Is this enough information? and what logs would you want me to upload? Thanks in advance
  4. did you ever fix this? I have the same issue but on a odroid n2.
  5. Dear Armbian community I want to run klipper on my ordoid n2+ I started out using a default ubuntu os from odroid themselves but it was missing a ton of drivers I need. everything worked on that image except for the drivers. Someone mentioned Armbian to me. I got everything running except I now have a new issue. I am using klipperscreen a simple gui with touch controls. before installing I could use my screen without issues and I installed everything on the screens terminal. Now that klipperscreen is installed I see the boot sequence and than the signal gets lost. I already checked the klipperscreen guides and forums and if it doesnt report errors its the os doing weird dings with dpms or signal routing or something. Does someone know why the screen suddenly just loses signal. when I uninstall klipperscreen I get it back. I downloaded my os from here. odroidn2 And this is my screen screen any help or ideas are welcome. thanks in advance
  6. I have the exact same screen on a odroid n2+ it works on ubuntu but not on armbian jammy. I do see it while in the terminal initialization phase. I will closely follow any updates posted here
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