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Shivan SpS

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  1. There is no one working on the 2W, i ask here because it is similar enoght to the point the same image works without issue. For what im doing i cant use the expansion board, and i dont have it either, the problem is that there is no pinout of the expansion interface, otherwise i would have tried to plug in some small flex to get the audio signals. Raspbery PI Zeros can get audio out via PWM pins, i think it is using an overlay.
  2. I know this is about zero 3, but the 2W works just as well with the same image, someone knows of a way to get audio out via the PWM1 and PWM2 GPIO pins of the 2W?
  3. Any new image with 6.7 incluiding the partial hdmi patch and the last version of panthor?
  4. Yeah thats exactly what i was thinking, using a Zero 3 as a Access Point, or even a router... i will to see the wireguard bandwidth. Too bad they didnt wired the built-on 100mbits NIC to the pins. For now, im playing with a Orange PI Zero 2W i couldt not boot armbian yet. I wanted to use a wavewhare 3.5" SPI display on it, that i have no idea of how to make it work. The 2W is it mostly compatible with RPI GPIO, SPI pins are all on the same place, even the SPI CS.
  5. The Wifi chip is the same one use din the Orange PI 3B, it is also giving so many problems there?
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