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  1. Thanks, @Werner, I'm not sure about the build. I created the image 2 months ago. However, after rebuilding the image recently, I've obtained the modules I need. Also, thank you, @leeson, for the guidance and solution. I've got it running on my Kubernetes cluster now. And Happy New Year, guys! 🎉
  2. @leeson I only have `/dev/dma_heap`, will it work? if not, how can I get `rga` (Rockchip graphics acceleration?) module? I already `Enable 3D Acceleration` on the Armbian site. Armbian 23.8.1 Jammy with bleeding edge Linux 6.5.0-rc5-edge-rockchip-rk3588
  3. @Dexogen I followed the same instructions as you did to build the image, but I encountered a snag. After running `apt update && apt upgrade`, the `rbd` module seemed to get overwritten somehow. I stopped investigating further when I found that using `ubuntu jammy edge` worked for me. I hope this helps!
  4. @schwar3kat Thank you for pointing out the build config file. I overlooked enabling `CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RBD`. It was an oversight on my part, and I appreciate your help. Thanks again for taking the time.
  5. Thank you, @Werner. I've already left my house, but I'll quickly check the kernel config in `/boot` as soon as I get home. Just for my understanding, if the mentioned module is not marked as M there, the next step would be to re-compile the kernel, correct? If it is marked as M, do you have any further recommendations? And @schwar3kat, I appreciate you taking the time to look into this. Yes, as seen in the previous screenshot, compiling the kernel took around 2 hours for me. It's kind of you to offer your assistance despite not having my board or familiarity with the Rados block device.
  6. Thank you for your response. I understand the importance of the appropriate privileges. I did indeed try the modprobe command with sudo earlier, but I still received the same error: To ensure I was running the most up-to-date software, I also executed `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y`, but unfortunately, the issue persists.
  7. Hello, Armbian community, I've been trying to build the Armbian kernel for my board "Orange Pi 5" with the rbd (RADOS Block Device) module enabled. I followed the standard build procedure using Armbian's build tools, and I explicitly enabled the rbd support during the menuconfig step. Despite doing this, after completing the build and installation processes, I'm unable to load the rbd module. When I attempt to load the module with modprobe rbd, I get the following error: modprobe: FATAL: Module rbd not found in directory /lib/modules/5.10.160-rk35xx Here are the steps I followed: 1. Cloned the Armbian Build Repository. 2. Started the kernel configuration using: ./compile.sh 1. In Menuconfig, I navigated to Device Drivers > Block devices and enabled Rados block device (RBD) support as a module. 2. Continued with the build process and installed the newly built kernel. 3. Booted the board and tried to load the module, which resulted in the error. Has anyone faced a similar issue or can you provide guidance on what I might be doing wrong or missing? Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated! I really appreciate any help you can provide.
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