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  1. Github ubuntu Jshoua Riek ! Realse 1.29 - repair work bluetooth . Team Armbian ay ?! Everebody home ?!
  2. Greetings! I had the exact same problem. On all the non-official images on my 4k TV, there was a purple screen, then black! For a long time I could not understand what was wrong and how to solve this problem! It turned out to be simple, in the TV settings, you need to select improved quality on the HDMI source! And everything worked
  3. Sorry that I was gone for a long time. There, Ubuntu release 1.28 was released on Github. There Wi-Fi works correctly, but bluetooth still does not work. So for now I’ll stick to the orange OS Archlinux
  4. Orange pi OS (arch) I found these files in the folder. /boot/dtbs/rockchip/overlay I can't be sure. But please look at these files. I think these are the drivers Now I will install Armibian and take your advice rk3588-wifi-pcie.dtbo rk3588-wifi-ap6275p.dtbo
  5. Hello. The official adapter does not work for my orange pi 5 plus. https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005005956334270.html?spm=a2g2w.orderdetail.0.0.4e224aa6r3APff&sku_id=12000035019805399 The problem is this. Wi-Fi works, you turn on bluetooth, bluetooth doesn’t work initially. After turning on bluetooth, Wi-Fi does not work and bluetooth does not work either. Realtek RTL8852BE-CG BE CPU work in all officials builds. Help me please
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