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Evan Heinrich

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Everything posted by Evan Heinrich

  1. Here's the armbianmonitor logs https://paste.armbian.com/bonusohaca Also here are some other notes that may or may not be useful Armbian 23.8.1 Jammy XFCE kernel 5.10.160 Connected via the OPi5's UART header and an FTDI breakout Notes: As I do not have a full 5V 4A power supply yet, the CPU governor was set to "powersave" with a max clock of 1.8GHz. The OPi5 is connected to a 5V 3A power supply until the 4A arrives from Amazon. There was no option to enable the HDMI port on the regular Pi 5, but there was an option for the Pi 5 Plus which I tried, but that didn't change anything. // xrandr with monitor connected via HDMI port evan@orangepi5:~# xrandr Can't open display
  2. Thanks, I wasn't aware of that command. I borked the install I had while messing with armbian-config so I am doing a clean install and I will post another reply when I get the logs from armbianmonitor. Also for the record since it wasn't in the original post, the armbian version I downloaded is Armbian 23.8.1 Jammy with the XFCE desktop environment and kernel 5.10.160 for the Orange Pi 5
  3. Hi all, this is my first post here on the forum. I'm getting ready to wrap up for the night, but I recently purchased an Orange Pi 5 (non-B) to do some tinkering with. I downloaded the Bookworm XFCE variant as I am somewhat familiar with XFCE already. Anyway, upon initial testing, I thought my power supply wasn't good enough for the board. I wasn't getting any HDMI output. When I removed the micro-SD card and tried to boot it that way, an orange pi splash screen would show on the attached display, so I think the port actually works (?) I have a spare USB to TTL Serial adapter so I was able to verify the board was successfully booting into Armbian, but xrandr didn't show any connections. I tried a USB-C to HDMI cable that I had handy, and that actually worked. I then stumbled across a forum thread on a similar issue with someone's Orange Pi 5B, and a comment said they fixed it by enabling the HDMI port in armbian-config. I tried that and it still didn't work. I also noticed a few debug messages that would come over the UART interface, something with an error -22. I'll try to replicate it tomorrow and add a comment with the exact error. I don't have it handy, but googling the text didn't really help. Anyway, like I mentioned earlier, I'm wrapping it up for the night so I'll try any suggestions tomorrow after my college classes. Any insights are appreciated.
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