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Marc R

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  1. I'm running 6.7.0-rc8-edge-rockchip-rk3588 as a server. Everything is working except the vertical usb.
  2. If I'm not wrong you should download your image form https://xogium.performanceservers.nl/archive/orangepi5/archive/. There you'll found all the versions.
  3. Thank you to all. Latest compilation has support for orange pi 5b using kernel 6.7. Nice. No longer inferior than raspberry pi 5. Superior.
  4. Hello, The last image for orange pi 5 with kernel 6.7 doesn't contain the overlay rk3588s-orangepi-5b.dtb on /boot/dtb/rockchip. So there is no way to mount the emmc on the orange pi 5B Is it possible to download the binary overlay separatelly? Thank you.
  5. It is a pitty no rk3588s-orangepi-5b.dtb for orange pi 5 b
  6. On Armbian Orange Pi 5b webpage, one can download the latest image with kernel 6.7 Rrc1, not stable. Once the kernel (6.7) is stable, will there be a way to upgrade without reinstalling? Thanks.
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