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  1. @going it's not a good solution for me to use a pre-build image. Is there an option to make it work with any image?
  2. Did you build a custom U-Boot bin?
  3. Armbian-unofficial 24.5.0-trunk Jammy with Linux 6.6.26-current-sunxi
  4. Solved by running DHPC with dnsmasq on the Banana Pi M3.
  5. I'm still struggling with my old Banana Pi M3. A new one would be fantastic, especially to revitalise my enthusiasm for getting more deeply involved in development.
  6. Yesterday I had same problems with my on SD Card installed Armbian. It won't boot. After a few failed attempts to boot, it did after all. Surprisingly not from the SD Card. It booted from EMMC, where was a clean Armbian installation flashed. After reboot it was no more possible for me to repeat this.
  7. Noble Numbat is unsupported?
  8. OK. I will test it myself. Is building Armbian from trunk only possible from Ubuntu 22.04 or from newer releases,too?
  9. Did anyone tested to build Armbian in Distro Box?
  10. Worked fine 👍 Thank you. I've forwarded my Internet with a Banana Pi M3 from Eth0 to Enx00.... . It has the IP 172.x.x.1. On Enx00.... is a router with the IP 172.x.x.2 connected. But my Banana Pi isn't listed in the routers network. Is it possible to add my router to this second network?
  11. I tried it in so many ways. Other images can be started from the emmc without any problems. It would be very nice if any one could help us.
  12. I used armbian-config to set up boot from EMMC. Then I run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 count=2048 And re-partitioned my SD Card. Rebooting with or without SD Card not possible.
  13. Disabling EEE on my router settings solved the problem. EDIT: Is there an option to disable EEE directly from Armbain?
  14. This is very complicated for me. Because I don't know how I have to do it exactly? I used a time a very old Easy-Box 802. And with this it didn't crashed. With my FritzBox 7490 and 7520 it will crash. Know I will try to disable EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) on my Router. I read that some peolpe had problems with this. But they diabled it with adding: dtparam=eee=off to /boot/config.txt Or by running this command: ethtool --set-eee eth0 eee off
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