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  1. Hello everyone I did some more tests now, and most things seem to work pretty good so far. There's one thing that makes watching movies with (not burned in) subtitles a bit a bad experience: Whenever a subtitle is shown, the Image of the video will turn Black and stay black, sound keeps playing normally. This seems to happen every time when a subtitle is shown, so you should be able to reproduce it easily. I found 2 workarounds, but both are not really nice: 1: After the subtitle disappeared, let the movie play for ~15s, then jump back 10s, that will make the image reappear (simple pause-play won't). However, when this is done too often, the stream hangs and the OPI needs a hard reboot (Kodi is no longer responsive), seems the system doesn't like that skipping much. 2: Disable subtitles completely. This is possible but obviously bad for scenes that require them (e.g. native language dialogs etc.). Did anyone experience this aswell, were you able to fix it?
  2. @royk I can't find the '-DHAVE_DRM=ON \' in the file. See here: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/mpp/blob/develop/build/linux/aarch64/make-Makefiles.bash I added the lines below "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./arm.linux.cross.cmake \" Now it looks like: # generate Makefile cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./arm.linux.cross.cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH='/usr' \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH='lib/aarch64-linux-gnu' \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ ${MPP_TOP} Compile & install worked. I rebooted the machine, and now it seems to work! Kodi no longer crashes & when playing an x265-file the CPU usage is quite low, thanks! However, another (small) issue: When playing a video, it's always in front, when using the menu in kodi (Esc) it's behind the video, so not really usable, until the playback is stopped completly, see Image. Is there a fix for this? Otherwise it seems to work really well now (need more testing to confirm for sure) EDIT: Fixed, see answer from @royk, thanks!
  3. @royk Thanks for your response. I tried again with the image you linked, but same issue. Here are two kodi crashlogs: 1:1_kodi_crashlog-20240103_191538.log (This is the first crash after adding the Movies) 2: 2_kodi_crashlog-20240103_191715.log This is on of the other crashes (the crash session / restart loop is infinite, so the logs all look more or less the same)
  4. Hello, first, thanks for the detailed instructions! I followed the guide step by step: - Downloaded image from https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/archive/orangepi5/archive/Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi5_jammy_legacy_5.10.110_xfce_desktop.img.xz So far so good, made all settings as described. However, after I add some Movies to the library, kodi keeps crashing and resetting the session (crashlog attachedkodi_crashlog-20240103_143357.log I've loaded 3 x265 (.mkv) files for testing purposes directly on the SD-Card) How can I fix that? I did not change the system in any other way so far, my goal is to get this problem solved first. My System: - OrangePI 5 16GB with 64GB MicroSD Card - Display / TV: Toshiba 40RV723 (1080p) If more information is required, let me know Thanks and regards
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