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  1. Thank you for quick reply, my current configuration is : MOSI - GPIO10 (PIN19) MISO - GPIO9 (PIN21) SCLK - GPIO 11 (PIN23) CS - GPIO8 (PIN24) DC - GPIO24 (PIN18) RESET - GPIO25 (PIN22) Below I put the picture with 40-pin header description. I also found the issue with spi0 on Banana PI M2 Berry and I also try this configuration - for this issue I found another configuration and I tried mixed it together : The only difference what I noticed is that I had some signals on the output as you can see below from my pulseview: Another issue what I concern is problem with DMA from dmesg
  2. Hi all, I tried to compile codes from this topic on my banana pi m2 berry but it still don't work, I tried with chat gpt implement my pins but in my analyzer I cannot see anything on ouptut, on dmesg of spi I have information about timeout of connecting to ili9341. Below I put my dts configuration: Below I put information from dmesg : Have you any idea to prepare good configuration ?
  3. Hi everyone I have a litlle problem with my customize-image.sh, in my previous version builded last year everything go ok, but currently I cannot copy my scripts from tmp/overlay to /home/$user. When I am looking into the logs everything looks properly, few moments ago I tried copy these files into root folder and everything is ok but I still cannot copy anything to my home folder... I also try check proper adduser command logging into the system during build and I also find my home/$user catalogs but on the built image home folder is empty. Have you any suggestion or solution to fix that issue ?
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