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  1. I have a rather janky fix for this issue. Basically, we reset all USB devices on the bus after boot. I created a systemd service file with the following contents: $ cat /etc/systemd/system/usb-reset.service [Unit] Description=Reset USB devices before SDDM Before=sddm.service [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/root/usbreset.sh [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target And the script is this: $ cat ~/usbreset.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash # Resets USB devices in a specified path. # Use with caution, as this may reset devices currently in use. base_path="/sys/bus/usb/devices/" # Function to reset a single USB device reset_usb_device() { dev_path="$1" echo "Resetting device at '$dev_path' ..." echo 0 | sudo tee "$dev_path/authorized" > /dev/null # Deactivate sleep 1 # Short delay echo 1 | sudo tee "$dev_path/authorized" > /dev/null # Reactivate } # Find USB devices echo "Looking for USB devices in '$base_path'..." for dev_path in "$base_path"/* do reset_usb_device "$dev_path" done echo "Done." Enable and start this service and your USB devices will be re-initialized after boot. I've also verified that adding the "extraboardargs" as in the first post works for me as well.
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