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Andrey Stepanov

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    Andrey Stepanov reacted to royk in Tutorial on how to use your own IR remote controller   
    I've found information on how to use your own IR remote controller from this site: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=44671
    In short:
    1. Enable logging from the IR kernel module, enter in a terminal: 
    sudo -i
    echo 1 > /sys/module/rockchip_pwm_remotectl/parameters/code_print
    dmesg -w
    2. Check if your remote is supported by pressing the keys on your remote. It should give you info like:
    [ 3485.342354] USERCODE=0xfb04
    [ 3485.369309] RMC_GETDATA=fd
    3. Download the overlay file below and edit the usercode and the code for each key. So for like with the key above it'll be 0xfd
    4. Place the header file "rk-input.h" in the same directory as the overlay file. In my case the location is "/usr/src/linux-headers-6.1.43-vendor-rk35xx/include/dt-bindings/input/rk-input.h"
    5. Compile and install with:
    cpp -nostdinc remote.dts remote-precompiled.dts
    sudo armbian-add-overlay remote-precompiled.dts
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    Andrey Stepanov reacted to Werner in steps for a working Kodi   
    Have you tried with the image I linked above? This is based around updated rockchip sdk kernel.
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