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  1. The page at https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Release-Model/ has a link entitled "Release Testing", but the link doesn't seem to go anywhere. Is there a document on the release testing process?
  2. What is the current status of Pinebook Pro? I see there were Pinebook-Pro-specific install images for older version of Armbian, but there doesn't appear to be any for more recent versions, and currently, the download page points to (non-machine-specific?) UEFI install images. Is this a transition that was discussed/announced, and can I read the discussion/announcement in archives somewhere? Also, does anyone have any installation/testing reports? Is 25.02 known to work on the Pinebook Pro? I've tried a few different times to create a Armbian SDCard for my Pinebook Pro. I've only had one success, one one of my early attempts. Unfortunately, I did not take very good notes, and I've lost track of which downloaded image file I used to create it. I still have the successfully-created SDCard, and it still works, but I haven't been able to create another. When I inspect the contents of the good SDCard, it appears to be 24.8.1, and it boots via GRUB, but I'm not sure if it was made from a PinebookPro-specific image or a UEFI image. There's plenty more testing I could do on my own -- my supply of SDCards is running low, and I should buy a few more, and in an assortment of sizes (successful SDCard was 32GB, some of the most recent attempts (which failed) were to a 256GB SDcard)
  3. Since starting this thread, i've tried two things: I tried dd, which resulted a SD-card that didn't boot. I found a binary of usbimager and a linux install that were the same arch, but didn't run, because I didn't have the right libraries. So I have the following questions: I've used dd successfully dozens of times over the years, but I need some basic information on how it's supposed to be used in this instance: Am I supposed to un-compress it before dd-ing? Am I supposed to partition the SD-card and write the image to a partition, or write the image to the entire card? Does it matter what size the card is? (I'm sure too-small is a problem, but I'm not sure where the threshold is. In any case the relevant question for me is - is there such a thing as too large (other than hardware compatibility with my computer)) If I'm going to use usb-imager, is there a list of what libraries it needs, or a (deb preferably) package with a proper set of dependency requirements? Also, if I've written the image correctly, would I be able to mount/inspect the resulting SD card on an already-booted linux system to verify manually?
  4. Is it possible to install armbian using dd? I see the instructions say to use USBImager is recommended. However, my situation is that the computer I am using is an ARM64 running Linux, and it appears there is not a binary download of USBImager available for ARM64-linux. I could compile my own copy of USBImager, but it seems like it might be simpler to use dd. Or--is there an alternative to USBImager that I could install on my ARM64-linux (debian), preferably using the package manager?
  5. Ah ha! I had to open a private window, but I found the link. Also interesting was the Guidelines link. It's amusing that they get hidden once you log in.
  6. I just created this account. During the account creation process there was a part where I had to click a checkbox saying that I agree to the forum rules & policies. But I didn't see a link to actually read the policies (I'm usually impatient about these things, I may have missed something obvious). Now, after the fact, I've spent more time looking, and I can't find the forum rules / policies. Is there a post or webpage somewhere detailing what they are?
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