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    gene1934 got a reaction from Igor in need help with armbian/noble network setup,NOT solved   
    solved: took an hour to get it right. yaml is a picky bitch about format but its working.  apt upgrading now.Thank you Igor.
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    gene1934 got a reaction from TRS-80 in bpi-m5 cinamon contains core dump in the xz, hdmi screen goes away when gui starts monitor goes off, stays off   
    There was a time, 45 years ago when I was carving code for an rca 1802 with nothing but the rca programmers manual and a hex editor in a cosmac super elf, when I would have been in hog heaven at the prospect of such an offer But now I'm 88 and have mechanical things in my heart to keep my diabetic ticker running & keeping me going.  So the info traded would likely be from you to me, which doesn't pay your net bills However, there one law no one can break, TANSTAAFL. And I don't do business with paypal since their delays in approving an ebay purchase 20 years ago cost the owner of the tv station I was at, playing consulting engineer ar the time, about $50,000  in lost revenue, Rig your donation page to take my mastercard and you will see a donation as soon as I discover I can use one of my cards to pay w/o having to move it thru paypal.
    In the meantime Igor, take care and stay well.
    Cheers, <gheskett@shentel.net>
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    gene1934 got a reaction from Igor in bpi-m5 cinamon contains core dump in the xz, hdmi screen goes away when gui starts monitor goes off, stays off   
    There was a time, 45 years ago when I was carving code for an rca 1802 with nothing but the rca programmers manual and a hex editor in a cosmac super elf, when I would have been in hog heaven at the prospect of such an offer But now I'm 88 and have mechanical things in my heart to keep my diabetic ticker running & keeping me going.  So the info traded would likely be from you to me, which doesn't pay your net bills However, there one law no one can break, TANSTAAFL. And I don't do business with paypal since their delays in approving an ebay purchase 20 years ago cost the owner of the tv station I was at, playing consulting engineer ar the time, about $50,000  in lost revenue, Rig your donation page to take my mastercard and you will see a donation as soon as I discover I can use one of my cards to pay w/o having to move it thru paypal.
    In the meantime Igor, take care and stay well.
    Cheers, <gheskett@shentel.net>
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    gene1934 got a reaction from Igor in make is broken   
    I'm an id10t.  call in the St Bernards and drink the whisky yourselves.  It was the .config file it uses to make flash. Its not a pure text file. Blowing it away and doing a fresh make menuconfig fixed it
  5. Like
    gene1934 got a reaction from atone in make is broken   
    I'm an id10t.  call in the St Bernards and drink the whisky yourselves.  It was the .config file it uses to make flash. Its not a pure text file. Blowing it away and doing a fresh make menuconfig fixed it
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