gleam got a reaction from
bahtiyar57 in My most useful Linux terminal commands for Ubuntu/Debian
sudo reboot Reboot try systemctl reboot
sudo shutdown now Shutdown try systemctl poweroff
systemctl restart gpm often needed with debian
- " - start, stop, .... program instead of /etc/init.d/program startm restart, stop
journalctl -b -p err Bootmeldungen, dazu nur die Fehlermeldungen wasaschaßis,
weil da haddascho gestiefelt --since-yesterday
journalctl --since=2012-10-15 --until="2011-10-16 23:59:59"
journalctl -u httpd --since=00:00 --until=9:30
journalctl /dev/sdc
journalctl /usr/sbin/vpnc
journalctl -o verbose -n
journalctl -xe
journalctl -b > /0/jounalctl-ge4-ox.txt journalctl -b > /7/journalctl_gd3_.txt
systemctl status tahoe-lafs.service
systemctl -t service
systemd-cgls | less?
systemctl -a
systemctl list-unit-files | less
systemctl -r
systemctl --failed
systemctl --now
systemctl --message=ciao --halt
systemctl poweroff never --force
systemctl start sshd
systemctl status /dev/sda = systemctl status dev-sda.device
systemctl status /home = systemctl status home.mount
systemctl stop sshd@*.service
systemctl kill crond.service
systemctl stop sshd
systemctl kill crond.service better than killall -9 or kill
systemctl enable example1
systemctl disable example1
systemctl disable ntpd.service '
systemctl stop ntpd.service
systemctl link /path/to/foo.service
systemctl status networking.service
systemctl list-units
'systemctl status bluetooth.service' and 'journalctl -xn'
ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/ntpd.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemd-analyze plot > /tmp/plot.svg fascinating!