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Posts posted by peter12

  1. 16 minutes ago, Igor said:

    Sure, but implemented solution would help us all.

    I agree. 
    By the way, I have one idea - I would like to pay some money for making life easier (e.g. like this my scenario, when I have more OPis and need to burn images from one pc at once/or from several SD cards but with higher speed). Probably you could have support service (charged of course) for these scenarios :)

  2. 11 minutes ago, Igor said:

    Direct copy (DD) which can run at the maximum r/w (sequential) speed can be used in some cases, but it is not implemented on all boards. You are welcome to join and it might be finished a few months faster. It's also possible to write image directly to eMMC, but is less user friendly. 

    I am really interested in this - DD or eMMC - some step by step tutorial would be cool. I am trying to find something on google (for now I found this http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/how-to-use-dd-command-burn-image-to-emmc-and-boot-from-emmc/874).

  3. I made tests with Orange Pi 2+ to install Armbian to eMMC. But I have no idea why it takes 30 minutes to install. I assume write speed of eMMC to be 5MB/s (ok maybe it is even faster) and Armbian on SD card is about 2.1GB, so it should take ~7 minutes to copy files, plus some more minutes to finish final touches, let's say 15 minutes together. 
    But why it takes more than 30 minutes? Is there any possibility how to reduce this time?


    P.S. When I am burning armbian img to SD card, in 5 minutes I am ready to go and boot the system. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Igor said:


    That default LED behaviour was changed. Most likely upstream. But board works, right?

    yes, it seems board works. 


    6 hours ago, guidol said:

    I have more than 10 differnt devices with armbian running - and this is the normal "Hearbeat" blinking code for a running Operating System.

    thank you! I thought it is an error :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Igor said:

    For your use case it is difficult to say. Hostapd is harder to work with, but you have more control. I doubt you need that in case driver is done by the book. First we need to get to the bottom of the problem why it doesn't work. Is it the driver and why, is it Network manager? Trying complementary tools before jumping into the code is usually better ...

    I found https://seravo.fi/2014/create-wireless-access-point-hostapd and https://www.cberner.com/2013/02/03/using-hostapd-on-ubuntu-to-create-a-wifi-access-point/ and now AP works for me. And with some changes I am able to switch to client, too. So this is solved for me for now. But then I wanted to check if camera works and I found out in mainline there are no drivers>
    sudo modprobe gc2035
    sudo modprobe vfe_v4l2
    sudo modprobe v4l2loopback


    which Armbian version has these drivers please? Now, when wifi is working for me, I want to try another version of armbian with these drivers for my camera. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Igor said:

    Edit: you can also try setting AP with hostapd to rule out Network manager problems. For hostapd way you need to tell Network manager not to use this particular wireless device ...

    Could you please post me short sample for this? My idea is to use command line to switch between NetworkManager as client mode and Hostapd as AP mode. Or does exist any tutorial for this combination please? I googled it but I found just hostapd code but not combination. Or maybe if it is easier to use just hostapd for client as well as AP. I want to have AP just for cases, when something went wrong to be able to log in via AP. Many thanks for your help

  7. 15 hours ago, Igor said:

    Modern kernel has brcmfmac and no special modes. It should work STA/AP out of the box.

    Hi, so I tried Opi0 plus2 h3_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.78 and with nmcli I am able to connect as a client. But when I use nmcli to create AP, then I am getting "Error: Connection activation failed." (AP is visilbe for a while but I am not able to connect to it and then it fails with "Error: Connection activation failed.").

  8. 23 minutes ago, Igor said:

    thanks, I found something like this:
    echo 'options dhd op_mode=2' >/etc/modprobe.d/ap6212.conf
    rmmod dhd && modprobe dhd

    but will I be able to switch to client mode anytime? Or another special treatment is needed for this?

    What I want to achieve is that normally wifi will be used in client mode, but from time to time I want to be able to switch it to AP mode (ideally with nmcli as I showed on the start of thread )



    I did:

    echo 'options dhd op_mode=2' | sudo tee --append /etc/modprobe.d/ap6212.conf
    sudo rmmod dhd
    sudo modprobe dhd


    nmcli c add type wifi ifname wlan0 con-name connection-name autoconnect no ssid hotspotssid
    nmcli connection modify connection-name 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared
    nmcli connection modify connection-name wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
    nmcli connection modify connection-name wifi-sec.psk "lepassword"
    nmcli connection up connection-name

    but access point did not start to work.

  9. Hello, 

    on older Orange Pi zero I used nmcli for creating access point or connecting as a client to wifi.

    Now I am running Linux orangepizeroplus2 3.4.113-sun8i #4 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 22 13:45:28 CET 2017 armv7l  on Orange Pi Zero plus2 h3 but I am not able to create access point with this (it does not work as on older OpiZero, I am using the same commands):

    nmcli c add type wifi ifname wlan0 con-name connection-name autoconnect no ssid hotspotssid
    nmcli connection modify connection-name 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared
    nmcli connection modify connection-name wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
    nmcli connection modify connection-name +ipv4.addresses
    nmcli connection modify connection-name wifi-sec.psk "lepassword"
    nmcli connection up connection-name

    It writes me that "Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1)" but I am not able to broadcast access point from other devices (android, pc, etc.). 

     nmcli d shows:
    wlan0   wifi      connected  connection-name


    What am I doing wrong please?


    P.S. when I want to connect to home wifi network as a client with "sudo nmcli device wifi connect myssid password pass" it works.

  10. Hello, 

    please, is it possible (if yes, how or what are available parameters) to run nand-sata-install from command line "one liner" - I mean without going to programm GUI? 

    I would like to just run one command with predefined command line parameters and it should automatically copy microsd to emmc storage.
    Many thanks

  11. 14 hours ago, martinayotte said:

    You won't save time either, since you would still need many SDCards to burn several boards in parallel.


    Yes, I wanted to save time and burn boards in parallel. But it seems that I should burn e.g. 5 microsd cards and initiate nand-sata-install from them. If anybody knows easier and quickern way of doing it, please let me know. (I thought it will be so ease such as when I was burning many sd cards from one img file - I was able to get full system ready under 4 minutes. Seems this way and time save is not possible when emmc is used. )

  12. On 8/13/2018 at 2:34 PM, martinayotte said:

    Your questions are not really clear ...

    When booting from SDCard, it is mounted as read-write. Then, you execute nand-sata-install to install/copy the SDCard into eMMC, then halt the board, eject SDCard, re-cycle the power, it then boot from eMMC which is also mounted as read-write.


    On 8/13/2018 at 2:34 PM, martinayotte said:



    perfect! thank you! I really needed to know this :) because I have never done it before so I worried that I stuck with some unbootable device after this.  (so this were answers for 1. and 2.)


    My third question - I am going to describe it. Normally I download armbian file from armbian.com website (it is  *.img file) and burn it on sd card and then I can boot device from this card. I preinstalled some software to armbian and I made my own .img file (from which I can burn sd cards). Now I would like to burn not sd card, but ideally boot from sd card and after that I want to burn this *.img image do emmc (so simply not burn the content of sd card but content of img file directly to emmc storage).

    Is this possible somehow? 

    (it saves me time when I will burn system to emmc on many boards)



  13. Hello, please,

    1. how does nand-sata-install work in case my Armbian on microSD card is read-only mode?

    2. Will nand-sata-install copy whole card to emmc or do I need to have read-write system on microSD card before I execute command? (I mean if it copy my OS from card properly and it will be also in read-only mode on emmc)

    3. And I am I able somehow to write system to emmc from *.img file stored on sd card?


    Many thanks

  14. Hi friends, 

    one question  - this camera works with Orange Pi zero2Plus for me (mostly).
    But do I need to use always the green PCB with camera, or can I directly plug in the small black camera with its brown ribbon to Orange Pi? Should it work without green PCB or not?

    Many thanks. 



  15. 7 hours ago, chwe said:

    there's a H5 and H3 version and since Xunlongs naming is IMO completely random which leads to confusion.. :D I think he has the H3 version of the Zero plus 2, I know that q5 isn't populated on the H5 version... But I don't know if somebody ever checked if this also counts for the H3 version of this board... 




    Yes, I have H3 board. 

    I checked Q5 and it is there. 


    By the way with ARMBIAN 5.35 user-built Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.113-sun8i is temperature much lower on H3.

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