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Everything posted by admbrt

  1. OK so I installed the newest system, installed python-dev and the library and I still get the segmentation fault. Should I do anything else before starting my program? I couldn't find any step-by-step manual. I've checked my /boot/script.bin and the SPI section seems to be set properly and looks as follows: [spi0] spi_used = 1 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_mosi = port:PC00<3><default><default><default> spi_miso = port:PC01<3><default><default><default> spi_sclk = port:PC02<3><default><default><default> spi_cs0 = port:PC03<3><1><default><default> [spi1] spi_used = 1 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PA13<2><1><default><default> spi_sclk = port:PA14<2><default><default><default> spi_mosi = port:PA15<2><default><default><default> spi_miso = port:PA16<2><default><default><default> [spi_devices] spi_dev_num = 2 [spi_board0] modalias = "spidev" max_speed_hz = 33000000 bus_num = 0 chip_select = 0 mode = 0 full_duplex = 1 manual_cs = 0 [spi_board1] modalias = "spidev" max_speed_hz = 33000000 bus_num = 1 chip_select = 0 mode = 0 full_duplex = 1 manual_cs = 0
  2. The chip has H2+ on it so the library for H3 should work ok on it. Tomorrow I'll try downloading the newest Armbian and running this code on a clean version of the system (just python-dev installed).
  3. So I deleted /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyA20, just to be sure that I'm using the right library downloaded the one You are using and ran python setup.py install on that one. After that installation I get Segmentation fault. I wonder if I should reinstall the hole system because I messed up something in the system or I'm installing the library improperly.
  4. I still have the same problem, maybe I'll try to reinstall the library or try a different one.
  5. Hi, I want to connect to the MCP 2515 chip via SPI on Orange Pi Zero so I downloaded pyA20 library (of course the program is written in python). The GPIOs look to work just fine but there is an issue with SPI. When I'm just writing to the SPI the program works bu reading causes the stack smash error. The code I'm using is very simple and it seems that only reading is an issue: from pyA20 import spi def ResetModule(self): spi.open("/dev/spidev1.0") spi.write([0xC0]) spi.write([0x50]) spi.read(8) The error I get: *** stack smashing detected ***: python terminated So is there an issue with the library or am I doing something wrong?
  6. I gave this RS485 as an example of what I need to connect to my board, but I need GPIOs too. Simple input output and I think I'll need SPI and UART too. I don't have hardware specification of my system yet because I don't know what can I do with OPI. So I'd like to play for a while with those GPIO to see what is possible to achieve.
  7. Hi everyone, I've run through this thread searching for a WiringOP version for mi Orange Pi Zero. The system (Armbian mainline 4.9.4) works perfectly fine and even though i have completely no experience with any Pi system I've managed to start my Orange without any struggle. Problems start when I try to start using GPIOs. After reading this thread I am slightly confused, because I'm not sure if I should just get the https://github.com/zhaolei/WiringOPwersion of WiringOP and find pin declarations and remap the library for my Zero or is there any kind of board detection implemented requiring configuration. I've already built the library and readall shows 40 pins, so there is no autodetection for sure . So do I need to dig through WiringOP or did I do something wrong? I really need GPIO support form my IoT software handling multiple sensors connected via modbus rs485 etc. Btw, thanks for this great system, everything works straight out of the box, I expected far more problems considering the price of the board and almost no orange community in my country.
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