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    kingul got a reaction from gnthibault in Armbian for Amlogic S912   
    @balbes150 Can you please modify my original dtb.img to work with one of your firmware made with kernel 4.9.40?
    It's working with 3.14.29, gcc 4.9, but not with gcc > 5 or kernel 4.9.40
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    kingul reacted to balbes150 in Armbian for Amlogic S912   
    For the server to upgrade the kernel is not required. In the new images the main changes relate to working with desktop.
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    kingul got a reaction from gnthibault in Armbian for Amlogic S912   
    @gnthibault I have 2GB of ram with 32GB rom. (Yoka TV KB2)
    First time I tried with nand-sata-install, but it was a bad move, because bootloader was rewritten, I had to restore official image of my device.
    After a little search I found /root/install.sh script and it worked perfectly.

    I've tried all possibilities but none worked. Every change that I've made in /etc/network/interfaces for static ip was resulting in no ip at all, eth0 didn't wanna start.
    Also tried in webmin, same situation, so I figured that may be a bug related to my hardware. I can live with that though.
    I didn't try wifi settings because I use only cable.

    P.S. I'm using Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170323 image
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    kingul reacted to balbes150 in Armbian for Amlogic S912   
    Open the file /etc/module and remove from the run list module Wi-Fi (wifi_dumy). If does not help, additionally insert in the blocking list all the modules that are in the output of the lsmod command is responsible for Wi-Fi.
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    kingul got a reaction from gnthibault in Armbian for Amlogic S912   
    Hi, I want to thank balbes150 and armbian for the opportunity to install linux on s912 devices.
    I've installed armbian 5.27, and run it as a complete webserver, with Nextcloud
    I've put it on internal memory with an external HDD that serves as Home partition and no issue so far, except I cannot change settings to static ip, right now I'm on dhcp with ip reserved in router.
    All and all, you did a great job!
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