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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. 55 minutes ago, ej0rge said:

    Applying user provided DT overlay waveshare_32b_28a_opi.dtbo
    failed on fdt_overlay_apply(): FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND
    Error applying DT overlays, restoring original DT

    Yes, this is an important error, it mean that some parameters inside overlay are not resolved !

    57 minutes ago, ej0rge said:

    Is there a way to get a more informative error message?

    Unfortunately, there is no way to get it more verbose during that boot phase.

    But, it is a bit easier to debug using dynamic loading :

    mkdir /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/waveshare
    cat waveshare.dtbo > /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/wave/dtbo

    Then, "dmesg" reveal a more verbose "OF: resolver: overlay phandle fixup failed: -22" .

    It is probably that the line "interrupt-parent = <&gpio>;" should be "interrupt-parent = <&pio>;" instead ...

  2. 14 hours ago, rreignier said:

    So the line 27, which seem to trigger the error is: `clocks = <&ccu CLK_CSI_MCLK>;`

    Right ! This is because CLK_CSI_MCLK is not define since it is not compiled from Main DT where there are kernel includes defining it.

    In overlays, you need to use strictly numeric values, no defines are allowed ...

  3. 2 hours ago, MikeBZH4 said:

    E: Package 'mysql-client' has no installation candidate

    E: Package 'mysql-server' has no installation candidate

    In many distribution, mysql has been replaced by mariadb ...

    MariaDB is a fork of MySQL started in 2009 !


    EDIT: BTW, by editing this install.sh and change "mysql-" with "mariadb-" will most probably do the job.

  4. 6 minutes ago, jgauthier said:

    'gpio readall' on a non-functioning system returns incorrect data on only 26 pins

    It seems that "board autodetection" of that "gpio readall" tools is the culprit.

    Don't really on it ! Or try to figure out why it is not detecting the good pinout ...

    You can use GPIO directly using /sys/class/gpio, I'm pretty sure the GPIOs are all working since it is not a kernel or Armbian problem.

    You can also use python library such as the one from https://github.com/duxingkei33/orangepi_PC_gpio_pyH3

  5. 8 hours ago, Belgrado said:

    For me, a new user, I am in doubt about how change the boot preference and how and where do I need to plug to do it. Could you explain more easy to me?

    You need a USB-TTL Serial dongle plugged on the 3 pins Debug header of the OPi4 board. On your computer where you attached the dongle, you run terminal software such as "picocom" with baudrate set at 1500000 baud.

    You will then see the log when powering the board. If this Android U-Boot allows to stop booting using <spacebar> pressed several times during early boot and comes to a command prompt, you can then do "mmc list" to see the list of bootable devices, you can then select the SDCard device by doing "setenv devnum N", where N is the device number for SD, followed by "run mmc_boot". If this Android U-Boot doesn't support those commands, then you have to either try the TP50265 test point method shorted to GND before applying power to the board, or to find/try another SD image provided by Xunlong that allows to boot from it over eMMC, and then, from a "root" user shell, erase the eMMC by doing "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=1024 count=1024", that will destroy/erase Android U-Boot sectors definitively, so that any future boot attempts will be done exclusively from SDCard ...

  6. 1 hour ago, 1voud said:

    ttyS3 is not working and missing in dmesg

    What "dmesg | grep tty" is reporting ?

    1 hour ago, 1voud said:

    It looks like the overlay is loaded correct.

    Is "cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@1c28c00/status" reporting "okay" or "disabled" ?


    Are you using PG6/PG7 or PH0/PH1 to connect to your arduino board ?

    Because UART3 overlay if defaulted to PG6/PG7, except if you add "param_uart3_pins=b" to switch it to PH0/PH1.

  7. 1 hour ago, Belgrado said:

    I am using Orange Pi 4 (RK3399) and put in a SD card Armbian buster

    You should be aware that any Rockchip SoC have eMMC boot priority over SDCard.

    So, if Android U-Boot present in eMMC doesn't provide "stop" functionality to let you choose boot device using Serial Debug port, you won't have much choice to short TP50265 test point to disable eMMC as described in this thread :




  8. 31 minutes ago, renky said:

    How you can test if spi will work.

    The simpliest way is to test MOSI/MISO with a loopback wire between those two pins and then use "spidev_test" after having it compiled :



    37 minutes ago, renky said:

    No EEPROM/flash device found.


    Did you properly connected a SPINOR flash chip on the proper pins or you connected some other kind of devices ?

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