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Posts posted by gatinho

  1. @MitchD thanks a lot!

    We put your image on sd and boot, connect a ethernet cable between ubuntu and opizero (with your image). by the moment everithing great.

    one question please: How do you install the drivers , with the linux menu-config, overlays or copying directly in the filestystem of the sd card? (.ko files? )


    Thank you very much!


  2. Very thanks @MitchD. I wrote the image to my sd card. How you configure ethernet in the orange pi zero?. I the past I connect my pc to orange with ssh via wifi. Dietpi have a txt file that indicates that orange pi zero auto-connect to a wifi with an specific SSID. I read and try to edit the file: "etc/network/interfaces" of the orange pi zero with the following configuration but nothing happen:

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    address <-this is an static Ip
    gateway  <-this is the Ip of my Laptop ?
    pd: I read in an other forum that if I simply put a cable between both machines in Windows, I only need to share wifi over ethernet and windows assign an ip via DHCP to the orange and I can view the ip with "arp -a" but nothing happen :\
  3. Thanks @MitchD, I will surely try what you sayd. Did you plug a monitor through the TV out?.

    For copying the SD card, I am using this command: sudo dd.

    The eth0 might be, beause I changed the etc/network/interfaces, to get an static ip, I will change it back and see what happends.


    I will try what you say tomorrow, and comment back.


  4. Hi @MitchD. Thanks for your answer. No, I am using the 4.11.9 source, and the rt patch for this. The boot partition was made with the image of the otput of buildroot. I have changed some settings, but still nothing happens.  Where do you get the script.bin file?




    I attach the new Image, and rootfs.







  5. Thanks @MitchD . I only need python and ssh. I want to make a sound software in python. 

    What audio software your use? JackD (jack audio connection kit) or Pulseaudio? you have good latency?


    I make a buildroot image and patch it whit kernel-rt patch from kernel.org and put the final .img in mi microsd card but mi orange pi zero don't display nothing in the vga port (tv out). I don't know if the system is running because I try to connect my host pc with windows 10 with a www.dhcpserver.de to the ethernet por of the orange pi zero but nothing happen :(

    If you can try on your orange pi zero and run please tell me :)


    I also made a rootfs-overlay, and assign a static ip to the board, line in (http://free-electrons.com/doc/training/buildroot/buildroot-labs.pdf --page 15--), but cant connect to it (using ubuntu now).  

    Very thanks! P.S: I attach the image made with buildroot


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